Thanks Hops... that's exactly the thing I'm dealing with. The slight difference in shade from couldn't to wouldn't... helps.
In this D's case, things are complicated by the fact that there are (at least) 2 things going on... and the alcoholism, was where she escaped from the other thing. I understand, from folks who've worked more with severe cases of alcoholism, that being sober isn't always enough to stop that kind of, that level of denial... that something in the brain (habit's long reach?? or something more bio-based?)... actually changes. This is the outer skin of the "onion", I'm dealing with.
Then, there is whatever motivated the run toward a fantasy, a delusion, an escape in the first place. Something so frightening, or perceived to be SO AWFUL, SO PAINFUL and TABOO, that it must be forever and completely denied. I guess I have to include, my "adventures with Twigs", as an extreme example of that kind of denial. (And of course, the level of denial I experienced in my mom, was a direct source of much of the pain.) I have long suspected that something like this was at the root of my NMs issues; there are tantalizing "clues" in her history from her own telling of the story and other people's.
With this D, it's possible also. There are stone walls, steel doors, and fantastically projected images meant to distract on the face of them. Extreme isolation of self combined with an urgent, undeniable, "look at me" that interrupts and interjects and steamrolls every other person and thing around her... so that one overlooks or misses the ugly or painful thing she's trying to hide. This is another kind of denial.
Knowing my own weakness in the face of this, I instinctively (first)... then consciously, later decided to act simply as "observer", referee, etc. I kinda knew my getting triggered wouldn't help anyone and would only complicate things. So, I guess it makes sense, that once I was safely away... I wasn't protecting the boys... and I had my "own space"... it was time to dive headfirst into all that stuff that came up, in reaction to this symptom. And of course, talking to her... getting the denial about the boys... hits damn close to home with me on a lot of levels. OK.
Time - more time - is needed. All the way around. This feature of the D's personality might change over more time and more work; it might not. Me insisting on this one thing isn't useful either - the outcome is completely out of my control. But I don't have to "prove I can take it"... when I can't, either. More time, maybe... will help. As to the debated/denied issue at hand - whether there was abuse - this will be determined by someone other than her, or me. I'm good with that, even if I can't get the D to understand that this is the reality.
Thanks Hops. Next question!
When a person lives at the beach, where do they go for vacation? I have so many projects here that I'm trying to get caught up on... and I'm even behind on the usual chores... and I have this urge to simply run away - flee - and leave it all behind.