Hi Ales,
Found myself re-reading the whole thread and something popped out to me,
hope it might be helpful.
I got weird feelings from him. Some was:
his judgment of me for wallowing in self pity, jealousy, disappointment;
some was like a cruel irony like I don't deserve it or are not capable of it anyway (which really hurt)
some was lack of compassion or validation for my feelings of failure and despair
some was just feeling awkward, hurt and taken advantage of, I opened up to him more than any other person, trusted him and I got nothing in return from him
It occurred to me that the ones I've bolded...were feelings you ascribed to him. The rest are your own.
But for those you ascribed to him...I found myself thinking: That would be reading his mind. Assuming that you know exactly what he was thinking or feeling.
So I wonder if in your sensitivity to what you assume or what you interpreted from facial expression...that you might be having this crushing disappointment
or anger at Ts, based on false information?
I know that with my Nmother, because she was kind of emotionally blank, I was forever ascribing feelings and intention to her, and now, I believe that half
the time I was flat-out wrong, or simply making it up. Because in my own inner narrative, I NEEDED explanations for what wasn't there.
If your experience was anything like that, I wonder if you might possibly be chronically angry at Ts for not being expert, competent, ethical or reliable,
because you're "reading tea leaves" and assuming a lot of negativity present in them that might not really be there?
If a T SAYS to you things that make very clear they DO feel all those feelings/judgments you are saying you "pick up" or "get" from them, then I
take this all back.
But if they don't, I wonder if it might help to ask yourself: 'Is it possible that my fear is driving me to reject them before they hurt me like she did?'