Author Topic: Getting old etc.  (Read 2328 times)


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Getting old etc.
« on: September 15, 2013, 11:06:04 PM »
Maybe I shouldn't put this here but I've been thing about age and such recently.

Okay so I fart a lot more than I used to because I guess maybe I am not making as much enzymes as I once did. My hair seems to be falling out. When I sneeze sometimes I piss my pants a little. And after the job where I stood on my legs, now my legs hurt all the freaking time, especially when I first stand up in the morning.

Sometimes I wonder about if I am mature or not. People that I work with who are in their mid 20's think that I am their age. Sometimes I think money actually allows people to live like a more mature person.

IDK. What do you guys think about maturity etc. just in general. Sometimes I think the experience of the "Narcissism" family member etc....has kind of contributed to me being mature and immature in some ways. Not that it all goes back to the Narcissism.

How do people mature?  Most adults that I have met are secretly quite immature really.


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Re: Getting old etc.
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 10:55:06 PM »
And I would add JET LAG for no reason, I wake up as if I have jet lag from an international trip. I seem to be sleeping fine, just not waking up as if I am rested. I guess I thought I was immune to becoming old, fat and tired.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 01:17:05 AM by Green Bean »


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Re: Getting old etc.
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 06:26:37 AM »
Well, breathing problems while you sleep or teeth grinding... can use up a lot of energy while sleeping and you wake up feeling as though you've just run a marathon and need a nap. Very active dreaming does that to me, too. (On the other hand, I know the less conscious parts of me are working things out in dreams, that I don't get around to during the day...)

Maturity... well, that's a pretty subjective word!! And it's got a lot of "variations on a theme" in what constitutes maturity. I started being responsible for nearly 100% of the household tasks when I was 12-13. By 15-16, I really resented it... and starting working for pay outside the house to buy the clothes I wanted, save up for a car, etc. I escaped the N-alcatraz at 18 (well, traded one N for another... young and dumb, mistake = inexperienced and lack of information). And I've always worked since then - until I "retired" (or dropped out, pick one) - in 2009. Some folks would say that makes me "mature"... and where I've put weight on, yup; that too...

on the other hand, cute baby kitties or bunnies... regress me to kindergarten levels of squeals and "me wants"... LOL.

Things like judging myself against some yardstick of what "society" considers "normal" as to what I can BE in my "inner life"... pfffffft! When I lost that, I gained another teeny-tiny bit of maturity... I fully intend to be hell on wheels, when I cross 90 and I'm practicing NOW. Where did we ever get this funny-odd idea that need to "define" ourselves and sort of box ourselves up into some package, with pretty paper & a bow? Sure, maybe interviews, or teaching a class... there are just certain "done" things re: expression and presentation. But we need time in our existence to "let it all hang out" and just BE, without dealing with anyone's expectations of us... or even our own. pffffttt! on that whole forcing myself into a "definition" that doesn't fit well, is itchy, and too hot... fie on it!!
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Re: Getting old etc.
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 07:28:36 AM »
Huh. Wrote you a thing yesterday Boat and it didn't post.

Nutshell: Making your own yogurt is super cheap and will introduce beneficial bacteria that will improve digestion.

On the other hand, I like farts. One sign of my aging is that when I walk through the office and now and then one escapes, undeniably...I used to feel drastically embarrassed, now it's just kind of: Oh. Methane.

Another thing is that you are grieving. As an organism, whether weepy or not, you have lost your brother. I would bet that would dampen energy and make you feel slowed and old. I have grieved for 2 years over my D's absence. In the last six months I have begun to feel somewhat physically better--and not as old as I felt a year ago. But it's taken a lot of effort (since when I'm sad, my already-shaky motivation to take care of myself just sinks beneath the floor).

Yesterday with my counselor we "reviewed" the last 4 years. The list of stresses and losses was the longest--or had the most items--than ever existed at once in any similar period in my life. So...that makes some sense of it. AND, feeling better now also makes sense. Because some of those stresses are gone. (Mother, brother, the estate battle, court, selling and buying a house and moving.) The big one's there now (my D) but quieter. With time, I found out where to go with it, inside.

All of that just to say, I am healing, and slowly and steadily feeling better.

You need your own mercy, compassion, kindness, patience. AND...the best nutrition you can get.

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Re: Getting old etc.
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2013, 11:08:17 PM »
ok thanks


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Re: Getting old etc.
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2013, 09:35:00 PM »
recently a nurse told me I was old but then again a nurse said that to me like 6-7 years ago as well    and well   IDK.... I think that is part of what caused this 


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Re: Getting old etc.
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2013, 07:59:18 AM »
Awww Green Bean.

I fart all the time now from the steroids that have taken my pain away from the Polymyalgia Rheumatica, or PMR. If I guess it right, I don't have to get up to the bathroom--- May the Lord help me if I guess wrongly, as the steroids have also stopped me from having to take Laxatives...... from the paralysis 44 years ago. Go figure! My whole life is centred around the bathroom.

Now that statement is the one that has affected my life, for the most part for 44 years. You wouldn't believe how sneaky and inventive I can be in socializing all this time. Am I able to come over for lunch? Oh, damn it. I had made other plans. (to stay home and be close to my bathroom) Could we make it tomorrow or...?

I'm 74, feel 50, so am not really mature, have had 2 car accidents, now the PMR, and go next month (Oct 4, I think) to see a GYN about a uterine problem seen on a ultra sound. Who needs more? possible cancer? I doubt it, as I have had no pain!

Then it is back to fixing my teeth and the damaged nerve in my back re the accident. of 2009. I go no where except doctors, hospital, dentists and lunch with my therapist. My car is off the road and will go back on when I feel I won't overstress my arms, putting in and taking out the wheelchair, re the PMR. That is supposed to take a year to heal, but I felt better with the first pill. The achieist? achyist? most  achy is shampooing my hair (my lower arms and fingers)

Whew, I was freezing so posted that first.

I think if we think young, have a reasonable sense of humour, don't become cynic and grouchy, we can stay pretty young in our old age.

I have so many funny stories about my life, I just have to laugh, ....most of the time

Cheer up and Feel young!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 08:04:40 AM by Skits »
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