Awww Green Bean.
I fart all the time now from the steroids that have taken my pain away from the Polymyalgia Rheumatica, or PMR. If I guess it right, I don't have to get up to the bathroom--- May the Lord help me if I guess wrongly, as the steroids have also stopped me from having to take Laxatives...... from the paralysis 44 years ago. Go figure! My whole life is centred around the bathroom.
Now that statement is the one that has affected my life, for the most part for 44 years. You wouldn't believe how sneaky and inventive I can be in socializing all this time. Am I able to come over for lunch? Oh, damn it. I had made other plans. (to stay home and be close to my bathroom) Could we make it tomorrow or...?
I'm 74, feel 50, so am not really mature, have had 2 car accidents, now the PMR, and go next month (Oct 4, I think) to see a GYN about a uterine problem seen on a ultra sound. Who needs more? possible cancer? I doubt it, as I have had no pain!
Then it is back to fixing my teeth and the damaged nerve in my back re the accident. of 2009. I go no where except doctors, hospital, dentists and lunch with my therapist. My car is off the road and will go back on when I feel I won't overstress my arms, putting in and taking out the wheelchair, re the PMR. That is supposed to take a year to heal, but I felt better with the first pill. The achieist? achyist? most achy is shampooing my hair (my lower arms and fingers)
Whew, I was freezing so posted that first.
I think if we think young, have a reasonable sense of humour, don't become cynic and grouchy, we can stay pretty young in our old age.
I have so many funny stories about my life, I just have to laugh, ....most of the time
Cheer up and Feel young!