hi lighter
I fell in the bathroom and hit my right back, kidney area on the steel post of my chair. I was very badly bruised and the pain was so bad it was numbing, but soon was just a big bruise.
Then I was trying to take the riser off the toilet and the pole that the therapist had put there, too, was in the way. I had to really stretch to get the pliers onto the wing nut and to use the screwdriver up top. It was hopleless and I pulled my back in that very area.
I emailed her to come and get rid of both and she did.
In the long run, I expect I cracked a rib or , at least, very badly bruised it, then aggravated it to the point I finally had to wear my back brace to immobilize my trunk. There is just a vague sense of it left now, but all I know is that a trip to the Dr. or a hospital would have netted me no more than what I did for myself. (The brace was like taping ribs.)
As for the caption, I still like yours too!