The mindfulness meditations are opening up my awareness so that I can see that my reactions to the rejection of my parents and brothers generated a feeling, a feeling of rejection from which grew a state of powerlessness and resentment. In that state I looked out waiting for help, validation, rescue. In that state I brooded and my resentment grew and with the resentment came more rejection. A truly vicious interplay.
Even as I have begun to see the choice of that state or one of hole and confidence, I am drawn to the one I know, the dark one, the destructive one. Now it is my job to actively pursue the one of love and acceptance. It seems to me like that of a person learning to walk again, where every bit of energy, determination and focus is required for those initially brief early sessions of therapy, resting and returning to the broken state for most of the day only to give it your all again later.
Day after day, week after week, the body grows stronger and with meditatation the mind until that state become the default. That is my path. I see the possibility and I will persevere.