Thanks gwyneveyre.
I would like to send gifts to the kids, but now I'm torn between WHERE to send them.
Nsis has been divorced over 7 years, and has made it clear that she wants NONE of her family to contact her evil ex. Even when he was in hospital with a brain aneuyrsm recently and almost died, she didn't want anyone sending him get well cards. THis is still the FATHER of her kids whether she likes him or not!
So, I would be the first and only one in the family to send a card or anything to ex's house. I'm not convinced he was the bad guy, which is one of the many reasons she hates me.
I think even though she would be livid if I sent them to her ex's house, that is the safest place for me to mail things. Her thoughts and manipulation of her family is to alienate her Ex from us, so it would look better for her in the custody battle. None of us really dislike him, it's just SHE controls most of the family because she lords her kids over them. If you mess with her, you don't see her kids (grandma, etc.). However, I don't want to play her game. Everyone is AFRAID to do what I'm about to do, send gifts to HIS house. . .
But just the thought of writing her address on something makes me ill. I want NO contact with Nsis at all. . .
Does this info change anyone's advice? I'm not afraid of rocking the boat with her, since she has always mistreated/distrespected me anyway. Talk about being voiceless with her, I can do NOTHING right anyway. Thanks again!