Here is a recent happening with Nmother that I think explains why knowing Nist behavior and how to handle it is so important. This happened in the last six weeks.
I set a boundary - no surprise visits.
She violates the boundary - She comes to my apartment on a Tuesday night around 8pm. I catch her pulling out of my driveway, but she doesn’t stop to acknowledge me, tries to make a quick getaway, so I follow her to the freeway entrance which is about 9 blocks and 5 turns away. When I arrive home, I see she did not leave a note or package and there are no messages on my phone.
I call her every day for about three weeks, but she never answers the phone and the voice mail is either off or full, so no messages can be left. (Keep in mind my mother is 79 and doesn’t have an active enough life to have a full mailbox). I am unable to reach her to discuss the issue.
When I do confront her six weeks later on my birthday when I call her back from a message she leaves me, first she claims she was never there – then I tell I followed her and was sure its her, then she claims she can’t remember if she came by ( I live 100 miles away, from Santa Barbara to Toluca Lake, it’s a conscious trip, she needs at least a tank of gas to come here and a long drive on a very crowded freeway, i.e US-101.) Then she tries to tell me I am imagining things.
Okay, anybody with some professional counseling could see and identify the pattern here :
AC Sets a boundary,
NM violates the boundary
AC Attempts to confront the boundary violation via phone
NM delays communication via avoidance, passive aggressive tactics
AC confronts NM, NM denies actions, then lies, then gaslights.
I'm sure when you break it down as I did above, the pattern is so obvious its comical. Ive learned I can chart it and then can find successful interventions.
Thanks for all your posts, they are much appreciated.