Hi Dawning, nice to see you again! But sorry for your post, sounds like you’re not happy at all.
You got me thinking. I thought a bloke was sadistic, many years ago. I thought he was deliberately hurting me to get pleasure from hurting and seeing me unbalanced, crying etc. But now I think about it differently.
When I thought he was hurting me on purpose, I now think he was instead
doing what he wanted to get his needs filled. He didn’t recognise that I was hurt, he only got his needs met. I remember his eyes once, I looked for some relating to me, something in his eyes that saw me as another person. It wasn’t there. His eyes were glassed over, he was totally inside his own head, fulfilling whatever ancient need was in there. Mother stuff I guess. It was absolutely nothing to do with me. I could have been any-body. He
treated people as objects (at work, at home, everywhere) to be manipulated for his own ends, as Ns do.
Is this sadism? Not really. Sadists I think get their pleasure from
seeing the suffering of another person, and to do that, they must recognise that another person exists. They do
relate to others as people like themselves, people who can suffer. I don’t know about sadism, I haven’t read up on it, this is just my take. Take that old joke:
Masochist: “Hurt me”
Sadist: “No….”
These two have to relate to each other, understand each other’s needs. Ns simply don’t relate all. They just take, whether you enjoy it or not. Your response is not important, unless it frustrates them getting what they want.
About this chap and your friend. If you’re no longer seeing him, I’m afraid it isn’t anything to do with you. If she is still your friend, it’s up to her to tell you. Maybe it isn’t serious to her, maybe she hasn’t decided whether to keep it going with him….maybe she’s a sadist! But honestly, if you only run into this chap occasionally, he may not think that he any connection with you any more.
Perhaps one of the most hurtful things we can discover is that the person we think about, actually hardly ever thinks about us. We simply don’t figure in their lives. Bit like my mother and me! Don’t know if any of this might help Dawning, P
Just read your post again D…what do you mean his words are sadistic? Can you give an example…? To me that would be saying things to be deliberately hurtful – for example, saying to me: “of course your mother never wanted you, you were an ugly, demanding baby”. Sadists will know
in advance that I’ll be upset and they will stay and
watch my reaction with pleasure. Does he do that? Or is he an N, with no thought for your reaction? Either way....I'd steer clear of him too, as your other friends suggest.