Okay, so the short is - the therapist I didnt like and kind of battled with - the one who was an expert on NMother issued finally gave me my diagnosis and one of them was Borderline Personality Disorder. Others were Delusions - persecutory type and Dysthmia (low grade depression).
Here is the quick backstory.
It took 5 years for me to get this diagnosis. I never got it verbally while I was in therapy. Its part of my issue with him and why I dont think I got the help I needed and deserved. I had to take him to small claims (case was never heard) and complain to the Board of Pysch (case closed due to lack of evidence - i.e the diagnosis I was fighting for... IRONY) to even get anything. This explains the Delusions...persecutory type. Its his defense against my claims.
Dysthmia .. I agree with but that was like saying Im a redhead. Easy to spot unless you are blind.
Now, about the Borderline diagnosis. Here are the reasons I think its not correct and would be worried if it was:
1. diagnosis is biased, based on the fact I got it after I filed a small claim. I also think he is picking a diagnosis that will serve his defense if I filed a lawsuit or other action. See the problem here? Can I trust the diagnosis is accurate or is it retaliatory and a defensive move? He has a lawyer BTW who wrote me a nasty letter because I complained.
2. Its only a snapshot of where I was in time - I can see why he would think that way on some of the 9 criteria, but I lived with a borderline roommate in college and I have nowhere near those problems. He met me at an incredibly low point and of course, I shared my insecurities, anger, frustrations with relationships and losses with him to solve things, not get mired in more negativity which is what our sessions were. I lost a job, a cat, my savings - job loss/crash of 2008, a boyfriend split up, discovered my mother was an Ns, same as the boss who laid me off and two close friends up and moved away - all in a 6 month period. While we mostly focused on the work and mother issues, those were the the factors going on in my life. Who wouldn't feel depressed in a collapsing world. I was honest and vulnerable with him about all my feelings and somehow I could tell he did not empathize with anything I went through. He always made me feel like I was some sort of insecure brat. I should have seen this as invalidation, which is what it felt like.
Anyway, on one level I can laugh it off - his diagnosis does not define me and based on my experience with that roommate, I have trouble thinking thats me at all. But, if that is what he *truly* (i.e no bias based on our ongoing conflict) felt my diagnosis was - I would want to be open to improvement and would seek out someone new. Its also possible, he really was the wrong therapist and could not help me with or without BPD.
My question to you all is - anyone here been diagnosed BPD? Did you get the diagnosis before or after you knew about NPeople and possible the BPD is response to that?