So, all the business side of things needs to conform to the rules & regulations of the day. There is a set procedure. Piece o' cake.
The personal side of things, not so much. I find that my choices of things I might like to do now, are so wide open and cover a spectrum of things I like... that it's daunting to know which way to go. I can fully appreciate why the stock advice is to not make any major decisions for at least 6 months. What if you choose unwisely? (Not saying I'll follow it, because I've had a long time to think about this.)
There is a lot of rapid change, in self, occurring. I guess when one is in a relationship - there is a certain amount of reliquishing decision-making control to accommodate the other person and their preferences. When that commitment is completed with finality, then what I'm finding isn't so much that he's left a big hole... but that I am becoming whole-ly "me". Albeit, I get to keep all the lessons learned from growing together with him and how we interacted. Does that make any sense?
We usually see being "co-dependent" in a really bad light. But to truly be in a loving relationship - there does have to be some "co-existing"; and a trusting reliance on the other; an "us space" - where compromises are made, irritations and quirks and personal struggles are tolerated, and we give up a part of our autonomy for the coziness of having another human in our "inner court". When it works, the other person understands it basically the same way.
Once again, I'm faced with a strange set of challenges - the ability to choose almost any future I want, where ever I want - only this time I don't really have to consider the welfare or opinions of any other person. That's not to say that I'm not HEARING all those opinions about "what I should do now" - LOL - far from it. It's kind of interesting to see what they value, expressed in that advice. And also their fears about potentially being in my shoes themselves.
I'm still cussing him, you know. As I clear away all the stacks of paper and ticky-tacky that he wouldn't let me get rid of. I'm putting furniture where I want it. Finally upgrading the tech stuff and organizing the office, to be functional. Watching what I want to watch on the boob tube instead of the normal stuff -- or turning the damn thing off. My rotating shift of visitors have remarked how odd it is to get up in the morning and there's no sound of tv. Yeah. FINALLY. That thing is like a huge pacifier and makes people completely passive. Great for a soporific - not so much, for "having a life" and being fully engaged in it.