I am interested in how forgiveness, even as a concept, can feel like a guilt trip. (If one isn't feeling it.) And btw, I don't mind just yakking with myself about it here!

I don't know why, but I have read a lot about it. It just now seems more layered, subtle and interesting than I knew, when as a child it was more a blunt instrument of religion. (I'm sure a lot of my interest has to do with hurt over my daughter and how I've learned to accept her choice so now it's very seldom hurting as it did for years.)
I think victims of any sort need to know what it is if they are drawn to experiencing it. It's not the same experience or epiphany for each person, either. It's only a word. Can be triggering, anxiety/anger producing, or relieving and calming. I'm actually very interested in any concept that can do both of those things! It has contradictory power.
As a kid, what I learned about forgiveness and turning the other cheek led directly to more suffering, acceptance of bad treatment, low self-esteem, internalised mysogyny and inability to love myself (because I had to be sacrificial and love and forgive everybody else, including bullies, brutes and Ns). I did all that. But also came to believe there was something toxic and dangerous in it. It's a complex human idea, I think.
But the word/concept kept floating back, so I kept reading. The particular descriptions of it that I am most attracted to now, in my 60s, do not have to do with the ways premature and dogmatic forgiveness harmed me before. The stories I'm drawn to now have to do with epiphanies, release and peace. How those feel.
I was talking about it with a friend yesterday. She had a similar moment with her cruel Nmother at the end of her life. Some doctor had belatedly given her mother an antidepressant and after years of ill treatment, her Nmother had lifted out of it and apologized, expressing genuine remorse over how she had mistreated my friend. (My moment was when Nmother showed genuine sorrow over my brother's treatment of me. Her heart
was affected. It was brief that she lifted out of Nism and denial, but it was real mothering. I immediately felt the difference. And, bam. Healing of my heart was just instant.) I lived with Nmom like Cinderella for 10 years before that moment! But it's also true that the power of it expanded instantly into grace as large as my suffering had been. I was all right from that moment on. She's been gone 6 years and the peace is still there. The power of that moment wasn't exaggerated, the healing of our relationship was complete and permanent.)
So what do people do who never, or can never, receive a moment of atonement or validation about harm done to them? Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to what people say who have found they found themselves drawn to forgiveness. Especially those who did NOT receive any remorse or regret.
In most of those stories on The Forgiveness Project, it winds up being about the self, and not about forgetting or excusing or reconciling with the other. It just helps them let go of their own injury, stop squeezing it long enough for it to heal.
I entirely forgave Nmom. And I have no choice inside about my D. I forgive her too because not to would be to extinguish who I am. I ask myself, have I forgiven my socioNsomething brother? I believe I have. Same time, I have no yearning to reunite ever, prefer not to ever see him again. I never or almost never think of him. Surprises me. But when I do I remember feeling compassion for him (knowing he's dangerous). His eyes were full of pain.
The one I'm still not forgiving? Nboss. He had such literal power over my livelihood, and his Nabuse was so wily, and his appropriation of "spiritual specialness" so nauseating to me. Yet even as an adult, I accepted the abuse because of the paycheck. I was too demoralized and drained during the decade of Nmom care to go carve out a brand-new career at the same time. That's my excuse, anyway. So maybe part of the reason I haven't forgiven him yet is that it's only been a year, and my self-sabotage meant he got to reject me before I could reach my own chosen date and leave him. Maybe the person I haven't really forgiven yet for how it went with Nboss is myself. Dunno. But I do know I am still dealing with bitterness when I think of him. Less and less as time passes, but it's not done.