About the apology to your sister... it takes practice to get the balance right, and you're bravely taking up that quest. The more you do it, the less alarming it will likely feel.
I know how frustrating it is to pay people to do their jobs, and find they're not only NOT doing their jobs, but sabotaging you.... actually harming children they're supposed to be helping. I wish I could say something uplifting, but there's only perseverance and doing everything you can to get the best possible outcome...... and then releasing expectation.
You can't do more than you can do. You can't. You can't control those bastages in positions of authority and control over you and your son's care..... you can only slog through paperwork, and phone calls, then follow up. Speak calmly, and stick to the important things. You know this drill better than anyone, IME. You'll do your best, and make peace with it somehow, bc that's all you can do.
About feeling lethargic and achy.... me too. What IS that? My hips, which normally never hurt. My shoulders, which only hurt when I eat wheat typically...... my knees..... which usually don't bug me at all...... and my toes, which usually DO bug me are fine. Maybe it's the warm weather, and breaking out sandals? Different shoes? I know I've started back with supplements, and eat more gf bread than normal lately, but.... it's concerning.
If you have lower back trouble, lay on the floor or stand against the wall and try tilting your pelvis upwards.... little micro movements up, then back flat, and up again. It's hard to stretch those muscles, but that helps me sometimes. Better to try in private; ) SO looks like dirty dancing, lol.
I'm not getting everything on my to do list done, but I'm steadily getting big things done that take a lot of time. Laundering all the quilts for the back porch, and all the beds, and guest sleeping spaces..... fresh and lovely.
I've been re reading parenting books I read when dd16 initially went into the Wilderness Program. It's encouraging to find my comprehension has improved a good deal. Sometimes I can't believe they're the same books.... like I'm reading them with a different brain, if that makes sense.
I hope your back feels better soon. Working in the garden likely does your soul good, as does being out in nature.