It seems there's a unamimous consensus here, and I'm not gonna break it either. I have a BUNCH more to say, but on the phone with realtor and have to go get the mail. Back in a few minutes.
Yeah, my life has been like this all week. LOL. You'd think I was trying to do business over the holidays or something.
OK, the matter at hand:
Look, all's fair in love and war. So, you're gaining experience in what HE thinks is fair. That said, if you "don't wanna" - you truly DO. NOT. OWE. HIM. ANYTHING. Remember what I said about guys seeing relationships - especially dating - in terms of transactions? This is it. Up to this point, you've enjoyed each other's company. And that is IT. If for any reason you are now uncomfortable - you can postpone the next date, make it long enough to sort yourself out, whatever... there is no contract you'd be breaking. You don't need to blame him, either.
You are enjoying the "getting to know you phase" without much that could be called sex. Ain't nothin' wrong with that! He doesn't like it - tough titty. (that was intentional...)
You have to set the pace for YOU; what you're comfortable with. That's in your job description. And what I'm hearing is something I'm acquainted with - that reluctance. It's a complicated, knotty ball of yarn/issues really. And I think you DO need to pull back long enough, that you have time to sort it out - with your T, talking to friends, the Amazons... Whatever works. When you've identified the issues, then you can decide what, if anything needs to be done about them. They're yours; and probably don't have a thing to do with him, even if how he is behaving triggered the feelings.
The word "negotiate" has several meanings. And it's applicable here. It CAN mean - the same thing as "navigate", as in - the soldier carefully negotiated the minefield. (I'm rolling my eyes at myself; dang martial metaphors.) But it also means to find terms through proposals/offers that are agreeable to one or more parties, in order to strike a bargain, make a deal or create a contract. You need to negotiate this tricky area about yourself WITH HIM. So, my advice isn't to stop seeing him. If you DO take a little time to postpone a date... make sure you suggest a specific alternative. That way he knows you're just taking a little breather. IF he truly cares about you, he'll accept and understand. It means, signifies absolutely nothing in the long run... about the relationship; it's just what you need to do for YOU, right now. Till the butterflies calm down.
So, that's it for you AND B. Now, for Hops by herself... and some more speculative stuff.
I'm having to grudgingly accept that there is more than "one me"... not as in multiple personalities, but each "me" deals with different things. The physical me is still trying to improve habits to stay healthy and feel better. The emotional me - well, she's a right sensitive thing; delicate even; prone to the vapors even! Go figure. The sexual me... manifests in a lot of different ways - intellectually, physically and emotionally. And she's a hot mess, given my history. "Conflicted" is the kindest adjective I could use. I can't let her make decisions, any more than I can the poor sensitive emotional basketcase. But they ALL need to be consulted in decision-making. That may not happen fast enough for a spontaneous situation, and someone waiting on me to say yes or no.
And when I need to process, and the situation demands a "right now" decision... the best thing for me to do is say I need to think it over. Buy myself some time. Consult with the "muses" and see if I can sort out from the jumble, just what is really my issue with "yes" or "no" here. See where I'm too hard (or judgemental) on myself... where there are real differences that might could be negotiated into a mutually acceptable "step" in whatever direction it is, I think that OVERALL I want to go.
The thing about seeing relationships as a transaction? Too often, knowing this about some men - I get all hung up in that concept. Bent out of shape. So, negotiation is also a transaction, but it's where you're refining definitions, boundaries, what you each want, etc... acting as your own advocate. Not all men do this... and the ones that do, do so in different degrees. So, maybe it's better to think in terms of expectations - yours first, then what you THINK his are, and ask him. Again. Ya gotta be able to FEEL it's OK to talk to him about things like this. It's a basic pre-requisite, IMO.
It's perfectly OK to feel how you felt. You didn't like it. He needs to know that in a non-blaming way. Perhaps he'll modify this in the future. But if he is a typical "engineer-type"... he NEEDS this feedback from you in order to do so. He wouldn't necessarily be able to "read" your reactions and come to a correct understanding based on emotional intelligence or mind-reading.
So, take a "Hops Date" or weekend... just for you. I don't think he's going anywhere, but you can make it clear you don't WANT him to, by suggesting a different date to get together.