I am very worried. I have a friend, XXX, who I am pretty sure is N. I known him online for three years. I have just found out he is involved with a 14 year old girl online. He is 28. I have spoken to her, and found out that she did not even know his real name or age, and he has told her so many other lies. XXX claims to be 25, and gave her a false name. XXX met her a year ago, when she was 13. He has been chatting with her online, text messaging her at school, and has even phoned her.
The girl was angry to find out about these deceptions. However, after her initial shock and anger, she now tells me that she still loves him, and forgives him, and cannot help herself. This is a 28 year old man, mind you...with a 14 year old school girl. XXX is a very arrogant, a know it all sort of person. It seems he meets young, emotionally vulnerable girls in chat rooms and worms his way into their confidences, inspiring their admiration and love. I am sickened. I don't know what to do about this girl, she won't listen to me that the relationship is very unhealthy. XXX has no business toying with young females, encouraging them to love and worship him.
I don't know what to do about this situation, or the girl. She already has emotional problems, and XXX has told me she is a nymphomaniac. She did not deny it to me either. She is so in love with XXX, and cannot see that she has been had and used. She isnt the only one it seems. I have talked to a few of XXX's other friends, he takes other young women/girls under his "wing".
How can I talk sense into this 14 year old school girl? How can I get XXX to stop his manipulations of young girls online? Despite his N ways, he was a friend for 3 years. Why is XXX doing this??? Why would a 28 year old man keep encouraging a 13/14 year old school girl? When I initially confronted him, he got all defensive and said he is only "friends", and wants to help. How is it helping to have her fall in love with him? How is that healthy?
Right now I am so disgusted, I won't talk to him. Please advise me.
Thank you,