May sound antiquated, but I think a lot of this has to do with education.
Kids who really internalize what coherent sentences are including the specifics of composition, usually grow up to be clearer communicators. (Don't ask me to quote grammatical rules, I forget half the terms...but I do know instinctively most of the time what's a strong clear sentence and what isn't. BTW, I don't judge informal writing style at all...or I wouldn't have the nerve to post, being Miss Lingua Slopsalot myself.)
But if somebody has trouble with clear communication AND some kind of buzz-in-the-head that prevents declarative sentences (not always but often girls/women raised to be "nice," aka indirect, do) -- it can be so much work for another party who happens to be logical, methodical, and reason-focused.
Hope when you return to the conversation it won't feel quite so frustrating. The other party's blocks and buzzes don't have to become your own. Breeeaaaaaaathe through it, it'll be okay.
Good luck!