there it is right there. I've been having some issues come up for me between me and my mom. I frankly resent how she plays both sides of the fence between me and my sister, with whom I am maintain a relationship similar to that of South and North Korea (we aren't actively bombing each other at the moment, but we're still at war), trying to "keep the peace" and maintain a good relationship with both of us. I understand this behavior on some level, but on many others I don't and Im finding it more and more disrespectful as it's meant her choice not to do anything about my sister's shabby behaviour towards me tacitly allowed my sister and father to act abusively towards me in the past and present. My sister has never been able to say anything nice about me - I've come to accept she's just not capable of it for whatever reason, always criticizing, always put downs over a wide variety of things, for as long as I can remember. She's also manipulative as hell, and as I've said elsewhere, is married to a man that is just like her own mother - a complete doormat. My mom just lets her walk all over her. I tell her she is letting her use her and she always angrily agrees with me but always has some bs reason why she can't or won't do anything about it....thats what I mean when I say "playing both sides of the fence" - she's telling me what she thinks I want to hear because she's too gutless to respond the way of a person with integrity (put her daughter in her place and be a goddamn parent for once in her life) and and because she does this with me I don't doubt for a second she's telling my sister whatever she wants to hear about me (I'm hurting for money, I'm this, I'm that, whatever) . She's always acted this way, and since I've allowed myself to be aware its going on, I'm getting less and less tolerant of her cowardly routine.
The last several months she's been doing my sisters bidding pretty steady running all her errands, kissing her rear end on everything, and has virtually nothing to do with me or my child....all while telling me everything she's doing for my sister and her kids. It's occurred to me this kind of behavior has been going on for quite some time. My family is so messed up like this I didn't even think for decades there was anything wrong with this kind of behavior. She's never really had much to do with my child or me for that matter, and its all relating to both of us superficially, superficial interest. She'll jump for my sister but never really puts in any effort for me or my daughter. If there is any attention, it's always related to money. She gives her money like crazy, but make zero effort to spend time with her, much like with me. But she will jump backwards over a barbed wire fence to serve my sister and her kids, and then tell me about everything she did for them, always, that's always the way its been.
I think maybe she knows now I've figured the game out and seen that her concern for me and my child is pretty superficial and I've been keeping my distance. Whenever she texts, it's always about herself, never any questions about my life, so I ask one question of her, and then don't respond if there's no effort to engage me about my life, and usually whatever she is talking about it just dies on the vine.
This is when the cheques surface. I didn't respond to several of her texts last week because I didnt want to as it looked like she was fishing for attention, I had not spoken to her in over a week, again, because I didn't want to, and mysteriously, for no apparent reason, I get a cheque for $200 in the mail "for all that you do, hearts and kisses, love mom". What a load of bullshit. She just wants attention and needs supply off me, and seems to be trying to manipulate me into having contact with her by waving a cheque in front of me. Give him money, he'll pay attention to you then, all he cares about his money....which is just not true. Its just so disingenuous it makes me mad - but I still cashed it, as well, I need the $$.
What the hell do you do in situations like this? I know I'm allowing it to continue by cashing the cheque but...she knows I'm still hurting financially so she seems to be taking advantage of it. And also in my family tree - not just my immediate family, but parents siblings as well - they give money as that's their way of "showing you they care", which I've come to see is their way of showing you they don't care at all and are just masking their real feelings. What should I do? How should I handle this?
What I'm angry the most about is how little she seems to think of me by acting this way. Manipulation is a real trigger for me, as with my family I'm surrounded by some real world class dbag manipulators, and only within the last several years have seen it for what it is - abusive and demonstrative of how little these people think of me. My family is just so virulently opposed to being honest in their relationships with others, everything is subterfuge and subtext, I'm becoming more and more intolerant about it to the point where I have been thinking about ripping into her about it.
Is she taunting me or trying to make me feel jealous when she tells me all these stories about everything she does for my sister? Is she trying to throw it in my face, like, look what I do for her, especially when I'm not crossing the street for you? Is this her way of saying, I really in my heart of hearts don't give a shit about you?
Has anything like this happened to anyone else? What have you done? How did it shake out?