I'm really glad you do have a friend who can hear your Porngate concerns.
It is SO sensitive about our children.
Since I lost my D, recognized how out of control her mental health and her life were and how I could do absolutely nothing to control or fix it...things changed for me. That hurt and grief were SO deep that I no longer feared others' judgement [edit: after walking through that for a couple years Once I did...] I felt I knew what it was like to walk down the road bleeding, and cracking in two inside. So [after I fought through that sub-fear, of being judged] if someone else was going to project their own unawareness or lack of empathy onto me, I was not going to let that misfortune get all the way inside me. There was no room for additional pain, not a micrometer. [Was nor IS.]
It was an emotional life-or-death choice to decide I was going to heal if I could and still claim happiness when I could. And at a very deep level, after that level of pain that lasted for years, I really did FEEL that I did not deserve judgement or extra suffering. I finally was on my own side.
That has made me different about trust and expectations. I trust when I can but not absolutely. Everyone I encounter is as fallible and limited as I am. So if I was desperate for support, I learned I absolutely had to spread my need around...a T, extended church framily, VESMB (here), new faces I find in other places.
And because reality forced me to, I slowly began to get better at being my own friend.
This recent insight about feeling I do have a purpose is the result of that. My own disinterest and previous decision that I deserved the suffering had meant that I could not claim my best source of joy. Now I can. I still have all the existing obstacles (disorganization, clutter, periodic anxiety, money, etc). But I have more hope.
If my beloved D walked up my sidewalk I'd welcome her as ever (heart melting, mind very careful, involvement cautious). But I would NOT let her remove me from my writing, because that now is about my primary relationship with myself. Martyr Mother has retired.