Hi everyone,
Well, the last of my two toxic NParents died a few years ago, and it has taken me years to somewhat recover from what is usually called 'caregiver burnout', but having NParents takes 'caregiver burnout' to an entirely different level! Since I was the only living relative, i took care of them to the end of their days. Thankfully I have a very kind and supportive DearHusband. Whew. Now, life is peaceful in our home, all things considered.
This is my latest revelation in the healing process. While I now have time and freedom to pursue the things that are important to me, and I am thankful for the Peace, I am also realizing that, having lived an entire life being "other-directed", that I am having difficulty moving forward. This has baffled me lately - and this week I have realized that my Role was always to look after the needs of the NP or anyone else who 'needed' me. I seem to have become hardwired to wait for who 'needs' me, and then I leap into action.
And I have realized that this is yet another layer of healing - to let go of the 'need to be needed', and embrace my Freedom.
Oddly, it seems easier said than done. And, truthfully, that part is really exasperating, after all these years.
Just sharing this, my most recent revelation along the lifelong journey of healing while surviving NParents.
Thankful for this group.