Thanks, ((((Amber)))). I think you're right and think my surges of fear and self protection have probably been accompanied by BP spikes all along. The test results refer to "embolism" which I think is the fancy word for "clot". Hence, blood thinners. But I can't imagine that feeling THAT upset (as I was when he swanned into what he perceived as D rescue) didn't have an effect on my body, my blood vessels, my BP.
Hence, calm. Swimming. Mellow times with M and should he become too un-mellow, my feet must take me home or into retreat. I don't know how well this New Me (hopefully) will go, but I am going to try to explain it to him pre-emptively and kindly.
He has a looooooong way to go in terms of self-knowledge. The good thing is that he reacted to his first T session with interest and excitement and I think if it engages his intellect first (which it has) then his emotional habits underneath will eventually come up enough for him to see them.
It's a large bet, and I can't be sure. But all in all, I'm happy I'll be seeing him at the airport tonight. I'm hoping I'm not back on here in days or weeks all crushed about a new episode of the old behavior. Having just had a wee stroke, I would see that as a challenge for me to put survival above relationship.
(Then again, in fairness, I need to remember that I had a similar though much milder episode of this--not being able to retrieve words--a couple years before we met. So M is just one new among pre-existing factors that will either support my wellbeing or undermine it. And that'll involve taking in the whole picture, best I can. I will need to watch, remain calm, look at my life and our interactions and take it from there....)