That's great news about the Kaytruda, Bettyanne!
I hope you and Bill can savor many extra days of more comfort and peace.
It's so nice to read about your and Bill's loving, affectionate life together...
sixty years together! That's astonishing! And it's so lovely that there's a wedding to come,
with its joys and poignant change.
I can see the goodness in you and in your life path. I hope you can keep your eyes and heart
trained on that, going forward. It's really hard to wrench your mind away from rumination on the awful past, isn't it? (Rumination is also known as one of the characteristics of depression.)
I love hearing more positive thoughts come into your posts. When it comes to the past, you have a lot of happy things, about loving Bill and loving your children, to remember and reflect on. I so hope that will soon overpower the painful stuff, or that therapy will help you bring the painful stuff up in such a way that you can work to get more control over those thoughts. There are people who spend their entire old-old age sitting in a chair re-living the worst parts of their lives. And there are others who stay present and work hard to fill their minds with peace. I think you can be one of the latter!
Hope you and Billy have a beautiful afternoon today.