Thanks (Amber))).
Years ago when I was hauling my dad out of the bathrub and, later, my hefty Nmom off the previously-blown-by-heavy-lifting two slipped disks at the bottom of my spine got so bad I went to a pain clinic, and five times had spinal injections to build scarring to protect the crazed nerves. The blessing was, it worked! For 2 months.
I'm nowhere near as bad as that now. In more recent years I just learned my limits and when I mind them (unlike in extended food prep or repetitive bending, iow gardening)...I'm mostly comfortable. Nowwhere near ready for any more drastic interventions such as an implant, and once I re-start a baby-step fitness thing, it WILL (and does) improve. I miss my judo days but I'm 73!
And ((((Lighter)))) Thanks to you too for caring. And you've aso given me some excellent tips and ideas. I'm grateful! The simple version is just that FOR NOW, anything involving standing (chopping or stirring or fetching) for more than 10-15 minutes isn't on the physical menu. But that's okay, I'm not starving.
Imo, it's nothing to despair about. Back to the baby steps and I truly do believe in renewal, physically as well as mentally. Got a new referral to start again w/PT. BTW, the pain you're asking about isn't spinal misalignment, it's muscle spasms that kick in when the compressed disks object to me standing for long. A lot of that is due to me spending too much time horizontal, which will change as/when I get fitter.
Thanks for the inspiration, botha youse.
big hugs,