Author Topic: Question for Hops (poetry)  (Read 1242 times)

cats paw

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Question for Hops (poetry)
« on: September 08, 2020, 02:49:13 PM »
  This is a needle in a haystack.  I read a poem by a man (that narrows it down) mentioning the content of his eulogy as a guide for his friends.
It was within a contemporary work, and I know he had more than one.  I think he was American?  I didn't make any note whatsoever, and I wish I could find it, and him, again. I didn't memorize any lines, and my googling yielded zilch. Ring any bells?

  Hope knee, back, sleep, and papers are all coming along.



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Re: Question for Hops (poetry)
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2020, 03:02:26 PM »
Dang, wish I could help, Cat.
But alas, no bells are ringing.

I have a new poem in mind (just for comedy).
Had an absurd chat with a friend and we got entirely ridiculous. Felt so good to laugh.
(If this discussion seems odd on a thread about poetry, you're not alone.
The fact is, though, I have embraced odd.)

What such a poem MIGHT be about (if I write it) is this nugget that popped into my head:

--Most of our adult lives, we sniff our own armpits out of FEAR--to check that we don't stink, or to be sure we're deodorized before meeting others, or whatever. (Except for hippies, bless 'em.)

--NOW, I'm sniffing my armpits and delighting in my aroma. She likes her own too! We got into talking about how quarantine is bringing out our inner animals. I said if I were a dog I'd be delighted by my own butt. ("Reverting to animal" in the dark survival/predatory sense is of course not what I mean, I shall not cannibalize no matter what....but it was a positive train of thought. We're so disconnected from the simple aliveness of being animals. We're a remarkable species, but still just fancy mammals. Personally, I got a kick out of pitceptability turned on its head. Made my T laugh telling her I put on deodorant before our Zoom appts. The truth is, I just want to do less laundry.

None of that is remotely like the grace of a poetic eulogy, but a poet brain will go anywhere.
(Will update on knee etc on the Health Update thread....thank you for asking!)

Hope you find the poem.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

cats paw

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Re: Question for Hops (poetry)
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2020, 04:04:37 PM »

Pitcepatability lol.

Mr. Whitman would be smiling upon you and your friend Singing of your Selves ;)


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Re: Question for Hops (poetry)
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2020, 06:18:49 PM »
It wasn't the poem about Prufrock was it, CP?

That was either Keats or Yeats; trust me - I mix those guys up a LOT now. LOLOL. I kinda took to that era of poetry.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.

cats paw

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Re: Question for Hops (poetry)
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2020, 12:08:55 PM »

  No, it wasn't Prufrock, or T. S. Eliot.  I'm almost positive the author is still alive. Thanks, though.

  DH and I watched "Mary Shelley" about a week ago, speaking of Romantic era poetry. We only have one DVR, so he's captive at times :)   
