Author Topic: Extraordinary kindness...  (Read 1818 times)

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Extraordinary kindness...
« on: July 14, 2022, 04:30:40 PM »
Hi everybody,

I have recently learned about an extraordinary event occurring as a result of this message board.  While I wish I could name and honor the very generous person, it was a private matter that cannot be revealed. 

We are going through such difficult times, which makes it even more wonderful for me to learn that there are still kind, loving, and generous people willing to help those in critical need.

The event and the person who instituted it will remain in my heart for the remainder of my life.  It was that important to me!

Thank you   ___________!



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Re: Extraordinary kindness...
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2022, 10:25:11 AM »
That's wonderful to read, Doc.

Good people walk the earth and it always takes my breath or brings tears to my eyes when they step up.

Thanks for sharing.



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Re: Extraordinary kindness...
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2022, 10:35:30 AM »
How beautiful to hear about this, Doc, and even more, how happy it feels to hear how happy YOU feel!

Thank you for this wonderful update.
It's one more validation of the kind of deep kindness you have triggered and spread, in so many many people.

with love, and grace to whomever shed such care on someone who needs it--
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: Extraordinary kindness...
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2022, 04:13:14 PM »
Hi everybody,

I have recently learned about a second extraordinary event occurring as a result of this message board!  While I wish I could name and honor the second very generous person, it was, again, a private matter that cannot be revealed. 

Again, we are going through such difficult times, which makes it even more wonderful for me to learn that there are still kind, loving, and generous people willing to help those in critical need.

Thank you   ___________!



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Re: Extraordinary kindness...
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2022, 05:36:07 PM »
And it IS a result of this beloved VESMBoard.

And therefore, a result of YOU, good Doc.

Thanks for inspiring that sort of thing in us.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: Extraordinary kindness...
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2022, 03:21:26 PM »
Thanks, Hops!  I have tried my best to change the lives of individual people—even in ways that others don’t yet understand (e.g., my treatment of a person who, in their mid thirties, from birth on, had never made an attachment to another human being.)  This message board is another way I’ve tried to help others.  I’m so glad that it has made a difference in a few people’s lives.  I so appreciate your confirmation—it means a great deal to me!

As always,



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Re: Extraordinary kindness...
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2022, 10:40:05 PM »
I have chills thinking about the good things happening bc of this forum, Doc: )

Thanks for sharing, even if you can't divulge the details.


Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: Extraordinary kindness...
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2022, 08:51:05 AM »
Thanks, Lighter!  You and others on the message board—and even non-participants/readers—have helped many people—both participants and readers--in very significant ways.  It's so important that people with similar life struggles are able to connect, share and not feel so alone.

As always,



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Re: Extraordinary kindness...
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2022, 06:46:47 PM »
OK.... I'm so excited to share this with the board!  Just shaking with anticipation about the group BACA....
Bikers Against Child Abuse.

They're a non profit, put together by a social working who recognized the gaps in the justice system allowing children to be re victimized and harmed again and again.... lost in the cracks.

They aren't a biker "gang."  They're a group of all kinds of people, vetted and welcomed as along as they have bikes that can do the speed limit.  They protect children suffering from all types of abuse and there are channels and training and rules..... I think the social worker really thought it through.  Amazing.

Here's how I learned about them.....

A friend called me last night and said a 13yo family member had been sexually abused by her step father.  The abuser was recently sentenced to prison time.  My friend was short on details about that, bc of her surprise to see the 13 yo niece/victim show up at the last hearing with a group of bikers.... vests and badges.... surrounding the child who's a cheerleading.... it just seemed very odd.

In the coutroom my friend found herself sitting next to one of the bikers, who was asked to move down to make room for more people. 

The biker said he couldn't bc "he needed to sit directly behind B (the victim.)"  The bikers were surrounding the child at all times.

At lunch break, all four bikers went to lunch with the family and one split the bill with a family friend..... there were 26 people at that lunch, btw. 

Back in the courtroom, the bikers took up their defensive positions again and made sure B felt safe, protected and free from threat.

My friend said she's pulling any and all donation funds and giving them to the BACA from now on, so impressed was she with those volunteers and how they handled themselves. 

One more note..... this is a non profit with chapters all over the world.  They put one or 2 main biker volunteers in place for each child and try to make sure they're available when the child needs them so they have people they get to know and trust.... not strangers for every hearing, etc.  The children are always with 2 or more bikers.... never alone, which is helpful in many ways.....  having more eyes and ears on the situation provides more input and ability to assess situations AND there's safety for everyone involved.

This group will provide members to sit outside the child's home when the child is vulnerable or feeling unsafe, btw.  If that child looks out 3 windows.... there will be a biker at every window so the child SEES that representation of safety and protection and I

The group doesn't condone or commit violence on behalf of the children BUT theyr'e willing to stand between the children and more abuse if and when the justice system fails completely, which unfortunately is a reality.  It seems abusers would have to go through the bikers to get to the children and the bikers are committed to not allowing that to happen.... and the bucks stops there.

The chilren receive a vest, a patch and a code name they choose themselves....... and these kids are made to feel they're a part of a new family who REFUSE to allow abuse to continue in any form.  I have chills thinking about how life changing this is!!

Children are more likely to testify truthfully when they don't fear punishment or more abuse and these bikers.... from all walks of life.... are there to make sure the kids get the best possible chance to heal. 

I felt this was as good a place as any to put this, Doc.

Thanks again for this board, your time and care for others.
