Author Topic: The Lake House  (Read 24322 times)


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #30 on: May 31, 2021, 07:12:22 PM »

This rang cathedral bells for me:

I'm overtly sympathetic.  I see that now.

I'm thinking as you continue to heal and soothe yourself, calmly and kindly, you're going to be able to tune into your own energies in encounters. NOT just "fight or flight" but the subtler stuff, which could be just two questions in the moment:

How much tenderness and accomodating and helping vibe am I emitting?
What does it feel like to try holding my goodwill more privately?

Reminds me of riding, how learning to use bit and reins and heels less, ultimately resulted in more -- peaceful cooperation between me and horse.

Ta da! Men are just horses. That helps (me). LOL.


Thanks for that, Hops. The quoted part of your post really struck home with regard to what I can do, going forward, to change the responses I'd like to limit from men.... people in general, really. 

This new contractor expects and looks forward to my input, opinions and sharing of information about health and self care.  His wife eats in a prescriptive manner, sees a personal trainer who guides her and so he's already pretty familiar with it.

I will say this..... one day he brought his ss to the job.  He seemed a little confused and maybe dissapointed....... I was trying to limit contact, just in case he was the type to lose his mind, but had already chatted him up about things we had in common, etc.

During lunch I ran and grabbed my book PAIN FREE and gave them that copy bc they were talking about their back pain, spine injuries, chiro appointments. 

The contractor looked at his ss and happily said.... "See!  I TOLD YOU!"

I'm not sure just what he said about me, but I think it was nice.



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2021, 08:59:35 PM »
OK.  We're adding a bathroom and it's likely going to be my only chance to add a tub to the main floor.

The bathroom is oddly shaped..... it would be difficult to do this.

It would make more sense to put in a larger shower and tile it, rather than put in a smaller tub shower unit..... 49x32 inches.

The floor of the tub is 19" x 49"x16" soaking depth.  I'd try to put in a 54" long tub, but I can't find any worth paying and waiting for.

If I put in the 57"x32" tiled shower, I won't have room in the bathroom for a tub unless I use a freestanding tub enclosed in the shower unit OR use the drop in tub I already mentioned.

I feasibly have anough space in the bedroom to put a tub in front of the window there.... maybe a 55"x28"x15"soaking depth, freestanding tub installed with a minimum of 6" between it and the wall..... anything it's close to. 

It's tight.  It's precise work.  I'M IN NC, not GA where I can SEE the room.  I'm frustrated. 



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2021, 11:28:37 PM »
A local realtor came to the lake house not long ago.  She said a tub is good for families, esp ones with small children.  People want at least one tub in a house, generally.

If my brother has his way, there would be big tiled showers only throughout the house..... the bigger the better. They certainly look sleek an modern, IMO. 

I'm a tub baby.  My niece is a tub baby.  My BIL is a tub baby.  There has to be at least 1 good soaking tub in the house.  Niece and I will be wrestling for it, then end up sharing.  We might put a clawfoot tub outside for soaks.

This is making me tired.

To bed.

::sending you good vibes for house hunting::.

Thanks for all your input, CB.



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2021, 08:38:53 AM »
Lighter - Hol had a deep concrete tub built for the hut. I've also seen created tile tubs, too. For a solution, maybe.
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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2021, 09:51:27 AM »
As contractor and I maki g final decision on tub, the Bee cut through a water line....he was supposed to be cutting out sheetrock only....went too deep.

Contractor reminded me....of me.  My response to Bee's mistake.  The frustration of knowing too much autonomy was handed to Bee.  Bee has limitations....requires supervision.....truly, like supervising a child.  The fact Bee is so hardworking and earnest means he jumps in without thinking it through.

Contractor speaking with lots of detail now.  Exact instructions for Bee to fol
They're talking about it now.  Contractor teaching.....huffing hard from running up and down long stairs, but calm and relaxed again.

Bee just turned 48, so it's easy to assume he's comprehending the scope of a task something when he nods and assures he has it in hand.

The water line was right against the stud.  Bee didn't make a huge mistake....just a lack of experience.




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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2021, 05:30:47 AM »
I love a tub, Lighter :)  Lots of houses here don't have them now; showers and wet rooms are increasingly popular, but to my mind only because they keep building small houses and converting properties into tiny flats.  Baths are my escape :)

Sorry about the problems with Bee again.  Is it difficult/expensive to fix the mistake?  It's frustrating when you aren't able to just leave someone to get on with what they need to do, or at least know they'll come and check with you if they're not sure.  Keeping fingers crossed that contractor is more on top of him now and things get easier as they continue xx


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2021, 10:46:09 PM »
The cut water line was fixed quickly.  Not expensive.  Bee has things he does well.  I need to figure it out.  Will be things to do here, fir sure.  Landscaping, planting, maintenance stuff.

I planned a tub in the the bedroom we're working on.  It's smallish....48x32"....drop in with 6" deck all around.  I found a great sale on 2 Roman Tub faucets by Kohler at Lowe's last night.  Great sale on 2 mirrors.

 I bought what looks like honed white marble.... it's 12x24" tile for the new bathroom shower.  I took 8 boxes, everything they had....Honda CR-V carried it faithfully.    I spent today working out details in bed and bath. Matching up hardware, faucets, mirrors, etc .I feel confident with the new plan.  I know I'm happy about the tub. 

My brother seems happier, calmer and more positive lately.  Jenna and I really enjoyed visiting with him yesterday.  He's upbeat and busy.  Discussing renovation details respectfully.  He's renovating a property down to the studs right now.  Something's changed.  He's stopped criticizing and being dismissive.  I think he's impressed with first bathroom.  He now understands my contractor is good, more than reasonably priced AND he doesn't have to worry, save me or anything to do with the lake house.  It's ok.  I'm on it.  He didn't understand sister and I buying really good things at restore Habitat For Humanity and Goodwill stores...paying what builder grade items would cost, but getting high end items we can really use. Vanities with thick marble tops and fancy edges...taller than normal....soft close drawers and hinges.  Special.  The right sizes for the right spaces.  Not pieced together badly, which I believe was part of his concern impacting his attitude.

He's relaxing.  I'm very happy we're seeing eye to eye.  I enjoy this work.  It fits into my life and schedule right now. 

When I go back to The Cottage I plan to relax more.  Maybe paint the guest cottage interior and upgrade the bathroom.  Brother said the caretaker living in guest cottage has improved attitude.  If so, he'll be helping with those projects and I won't be doing so much. I know he's more capable than he's been in the past.  Some of that might be fallout from crazy contractor.  Hard to say, but brother super happy with him now.  Put him to work last trip.  They share boating respects his knowledge.  Things improving.

Enjoy your lovely bath rituals, Tupp.  I found these little plastic cups one suctions over the overflow valve to increase soaking depth.  I highly recommend; )



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2021, 09:05:49 AM »
OOOO, Lighter. If it's no trouble I'd love a link to those little overflow-blocking cups for the tub.

Haven't enjoyed a bath in years. Freezing wet boobs sticking above the water's surface.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2021, 04:05:30 PM »
Grrrrr.... freezing wet boobs.  No bueno.

There are numerous brands, but I ordered Gorilla Grip.

Don't flood your bathroom!  Maybe set a timer for 4 minutes if you're planning to use it. That's what I do, just in case. 

I have a lot of "Oh, so very shiny!" moments of complete distraction, one after the other.  Can't be too careful.

::shaking head::



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #39 on: June 08, 2021, 06:59:49 AM »
I'm glad it was an easy fix and that your brother seems happier as well, Lighter.  I'm very short so all bath tubs are deep enough for me :)  Lol.  Your tub sounds like it will look lovely.  Was it the Island contractor who was the really scary one you had to get the restraining order against? xx


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #40 on: June 08, 2021, 09:55:59 AM »
Thanks, Lighter.
Visited the website but can't find any product that looks like those overflow-blocking cup things.

Tried googling too. Wish I knew the precise name for them. Ahh, well.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #41 on: June 08, 2021, 11:30:34 AM »
Hopsie are these the things?:

I don't know if all overflows are the same or if you have different ones over there xx


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #42 on: June 08, 2021, 11:49:39 AM »
That's it, Tupp!


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #43 on: June 08, 2021, 03:51:22 PM »
Thank you, (((Tupp)))!

Ordering it today.

You just gave me a SOAK, first in years!!!

Thanks again.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #44 on: June 10, 2021, 01:22:02 PM »
Bee as been at the job every day this week.  He washed the CRV yesterday... did a fine job.

I handed him 3 big bags of frozen organic chicken fingers, I thought the darned things were GF, along with the very fair money he asked for and my heart broke.  It keeps breaking for him.  Just being around him breaks my heart, bc I can tell he's eager to BE normal, wants so badly to be busy and industrious.

THIS is somthign I need to work on.  I see that very clearly.

Here's another thing coming up for me.... and I believe it has something to do with why men are drawn to me......
when I was getting my teeth cleaned this last time, the gal cleaning my teeth always takes very good care of me.  She's soothing and mindful and I don't dread getting my teeth cleaned since I began seeing her. I wait for an appointment with her if she's busy.  That's the way that is for me, NOW.

It occurred to me she might not always be available.  I had many emotions go through my mind, but it smacked of how men likely feel about having support, comfort and care from others taken away....... when they were used to it..... getting dependent on it, whether they realized it or not...... I didn't like the way it felt.  Not at all.

I really enjoy and appreciate having someone focus ONLY on my needs, my comfort, me..... while in that vulnerable position and there have been techs who don't care if they hurt me.  I'm done with that.  Same with my ears. Straight to a good ENT with the right equipment.  No more horsing around with syringes and spray bottles forcing water through. 

Attention and care must feel like the sun, particularly for those who felt it before....which was the first contractor from the island.  It's interesting to note, he liked receiving it from my married twin, and she gave more, more freely than I did.  At a point, I couldn't force myself to be kind or care an inch bc he was so fixated on forcing.  For whatever reason,likely his childhood and unavailable mother of 6, the last 2 children she did not want....he was number 6...... getting it from someone who withheld.... was everything.  The golden ring.  I don't think it had anything to do with me, in particular. Judging from his arrest record, he's done this with many women.  I'm not the only one.

The thing is..... I'm paying attention to how I interact.  Looking for the balance, Hops.  Looking for the signposts.....THIS IS WHERE IT MIGHT GO SIDEWAYS!

Avoiding it. Turning down other paths. 

Here's another thing. Men really enjoy being around women who swing a hammer, carry heavy things, help take down walls of dangrous heavy mirror and hold their own. I don't do that with many men, besides contractors or friends of my brother's while splitting wood or doing projects at the lake. 

It confuses me to think about NOTdoing those things in order to avoid attracting unwanted attention/affection I'll never return.

I've noticed there are moments where I'll just blurt out things to men....... really serious bottom line things I can and can't put up with, while managing to never master some balance of speaking normally about these things.

Right before I had the contractor on the island removed, I blurted out....."You will never control me with terrorism or threats."  Paraphrasing here,but something similar.  He looked me right in the eye and said.... "REAly?"  Sort of like I'd issued a challenge instead of a bottom line statement about how things were going to go that day.

And I believe that's his "normal."  To claw and cry and threaten and harm like an angry 2 year old.... really sad and terrifying, at once.

So, looking at Bee....... gives me pause.  Contact with him.... gives me pause.  I don't have any concern about the happily married, God fearing contractor...... haven't at all.  His wife is HUGE in his life. He says lovely things about her.... adores her.  Never a word that's not respectful. 

But Bee....... I can hear contractor getting frustrated with Bee in his moment.  Sheetrock problem.  Bee gets vry quiet when he's in trouble.  Contractor apologized...... for getting a bit heated....not mean... just frustrated and that's the thing.  Bee needs the supervision a 5yo child would require while working.  Except on things like cleaning a car, so far.  The contractor knows this is his fault, not Bees.  There are things to trust Bee with and everything else..... I wonder how much Bee can be taught.   I can hear Bee speaking now..... always very low when he's feeling anxious.....but he reaches out and apologizes once he calms down. 

Oh,my heart.
