Its been two months and with the holidays coming, I still think of the good times instead of the bad. I think about how we connected on so many levels, only to find out that she thinks I am nothing. Looking back I shared my vunerabilities to her thinking she was my lover and friend and now I am sick inside knowing she knows my feelings about me and she just turned and made me feel like I am weak rather than human. I try to move on, but everything I do is confusing because I expect the same behavior from everyone now. I am afraid to even compliment a woman because I think she will say the word I used "nice and great" are not good enough. I know I cant go back, but I wish there was some way to go back to the day I said I wasnt happy and try to work it out. I know you guys are saying it is impossible, and judging from her words of hurt I know its not possible. I just keep thinking of the good things she did and wonder if maybe I am the N because I didnt give her the attention she wanted. There was a time that I was down and took me out to dinner to cheer me up. I know there were red flags, but it was more silence and avoidance than yelling until the end. I know some of you are sick of me on this site saying the same thing, and I appoligize. Its just that this is the second time this has happened to me with a woman(1st being bulimic) now an intelligent woman who cares only about her career and whether or not I make enough money to show off to others. My self esteem is in the toilet because I dont understand how I looked past her not having any friends, yet she could be so kind to me in the beginning. I see my friends with their wives and see how they are men and their wives are woman and they are naturally together in union. My ex would stand 20 feet away and expect me to read her mind to initiate any intimacy. I know its narcissim, but how can you say you want a future, but never give me what it takes to build a future to ensure the process? She just worked and said we didnt connect like she had hoped. How do you connect when you wont share your life and thoughts with someone. I realize I shared my thoughts, but again I feel like the N because those thoughts were about dreams I had in the future thinking she would say those were great dreams. All I heard was my career wont let me do that. I told her it could be 10 to 20 years from now, but living in warm weather during the winter sounds great. How do you get your esteem back Please be kind in your words, its the holidays and I am hurting because last year was bad, but this year is horrible.