Author Topic: an N manager  (Read 2054 times)

new person

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an N manager
« on: December 29, 2004, 11:54:20 AM »
Hi to all on this message board - what a relief and blessing to find information about N's - I have been spending years in therapists' chairs, saying I need to move out of the "mommy approved zone" - giving them the problem and receiving nothing back in understanding or help.

So, I suppose it's time for me to have this info - the control obedience relating, though much of my life has been "spent".  Needless to say, for today, I find myself with an abusive N style boss, and for today, though job searching, I'm in my job and believe it's necessary to "get along".  My old coping behaviors sometimes take over, the obedience to the ever raising bar - and then I get sickened, depressed and weary - I know better, yet have been having a difficult time setting boundaries, because as with my mother, there are supporting "actors" in her cast, who "back her up" - I sometimes feel threatened for my job, I often bite into a hook that I am "hung" with, out of the control and for today, I enjoyed so much my holiday break being away from all this, I've resigned to just not caring (detachment to the max). Fortunately my boss is out for the week, yet still calling from her hospital bed to "shake me up" with her orders and emails to "get me going" - ugh!  I am disgusted with myself as a 46 year old kind, intelligent woman, who is still putting up with this.  As for my Mom, I can only see all the damage, I keep my distance and boundaries with her and have paid a high price in the awkward ways I've managed to do that over time.


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an N manager
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2004, 07:47:23 PM »
Hi new person,

Welcome to the board!

That's too bad about the manager.  Best wishes for a new job.

I'm close to 51 years old and still learning about N and its effects. Very discouraging  for me to have wasted all those years not protecting myself from others' sicknesses. (Nmom and others problems)

Oh well, I've got to reflect on the good times I've had through the years. I think I might start a journal of reflection on past and present happy times and blessings, instead of looking back in regret and see if that helps.

Welcome again,


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an N manager
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2004, 08:53:24 PM »

Hello new person,
Welcome a 'board.' Having had a brief reprieve from corporate madness (currently work from home) I can only appreciate your situation and wince in reflection when in times past I felt same. Hang in there and good luck.

The above URL has some information on corporate narcissism and how it's sustained and promulgated.


new person

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thanks for the URL
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2004, 01:39:56 PM »
Terrific reading - thank you for the URL


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work place bully's
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2004, 10:10:59 PM »
Another area you might want to look into is work place bullying.  Three states have laws against it.  I was a target of a bully duo at my last job.  I put up with it for 4 years before I learned it had a name.  The ring leader was a total N. The things they did to people were horrific. Lucky for me before my position was eliminated I started keeping a journal of comments, activities, witnesses, etc. I filed a discrimination lawsuit against them and it looks as if it may be in my favor.  I have learned alot about what I should have done.  Which include following the work place harassment grievence policy.  Here are some links that may be of some use.