So, I got a bit nonchalante with the food and falling off the wagon a bit with GOODIEGIRL chocolate mind sandwich cookies at a dollar a box...... SO GOOD.
Even if I make 12 lbs of meatballs..... we get sick of meatballs, kwim? I stop eating SO MUCH FOOD, when I'm not hungry, which is a problem.
I skip breakfast moreoften than not.
The last 2 days I've focused on eating enough fat and protein.... greens and veg..... and I've slept like the dead. Truly. Just.... slept and slept while bringing my thoughts back to the moment, over and over.
This is what happened. I was sort of stuck at a point..... weight staying pretty much the same. I didn't weigh myself when I was gaining and just letting it happen. I didn't judge it good or bad, but I did feel uncomfortable in my clothing and body. I allowed myself that honesty and owned it.
When I began eating right, not perfectly, I'd say I lost 35 lbs based on where I was when I last weighed myself...the fit of my clothing etc. Don't really care, but I want to document for myself in a way I can revisit.
So..... eating more the last 2 days, which is a good deal more than I've been eating, has done a few things.
1. Another layer has dropped off my midsection, despite weight staying about the same. I'm me again. My hands recognize my midsection..... it's a crazy sort of alchemy to eat SO MUCH FOOD and have things shift again. It's counterintuitive. It's a chemical reaction, not calories in calories out, which I've always known made no sense, but that's what the docs and nutritionists shove down our throats from birth and here we are. It's in our cells and difficult to shed, IME.
2. My digestion is perfectly normal.... comfortable.... easy and notihing I think about it's..... boring, really. Muscle Response Practitioner will tell us we're constipated if we're pooping once a day. It's likely most people feel once a day is doing pretty good and it sure beats every other day or 2 days, but it's not normal.
3. I can't say sleep is better, bc of work on my nervous system or coping strategies or coming back to the present, over and over or if it's good food choices, and tending to my adrenals or heart or stomach. I do feel it's a combination and I'm lucky to notice when shifts come up... internally or externally... and mark them here so I can go back and trace the journey.
I do feel deep sleep is necessary to heal the brain and body on a cellular level. I know it is. I woke up this morning and there was zero shoulder pain, zero popping, zero OUCHING over odd catching and cracking and it's just gone. Poof. Done. Over. Passed.
Just extraordinary to have something so debilitating come and go..... like..... it's someone eles's body, not mine. My hips are fine. My feet are fine. My knee hurts a little from dancing like a crazy woman for many many songs in the kitchen with DD21 who bopped along.... HAPPY!
And THAT bopping was bopping I've done before..... my younger, fit self bopped like that. I recognize I don't want to get old more quickly than I have to. The stretching..... the going into nature with baby girl pug.... the dancing...... I think esp the dancing has been restorative and familiar and DD21 recognizes THAT mother.
I recognize the ease in her body and the laughter when I'm my authentic best self...the self I was in early 2006 and before.
This has been an amazing journey. I'd say difficult, but I don't think it has to BE that.
As I said in another post......
before being referred to trauma informed T.....
I was in my own way.
I KNEW I was in my own way.
Understood it as truth, but didn't understand the mechanics of it. The reasons and ways to slip into the water (fig.) and restore homeostasis.
YG is mowing the under the power lines and I feel nothing.
Well..... I think a little gratitude seeped in. It's the same sort of gratitude I feel towards ASPDh...... for the time I had with our girls, when they were babies and toddlers and little children...... I was SO happy and I loved being a Mom. I truly did. I was 37 yo and confident enough to deal with an ASPD well enough to restore my serenity again and again.... even though with his chaos manufacture and confusing sabotage that made no sense and will never make sense...thanks to Brother Mud for explaining that during early days on this board.
I can feel gratitude for YG's help and refuse to let his behavior touch me... in any way. I choose how to respond, in my own time.
YG truly is NOTHING to me. He was never anything. He's always been what I assigned him to be in whatever story I told myself.
I get to choose.
I'm having a really good day!