Changing systems is large, whonkey, time consuming work.
I'm convinced it won't be our generation making meaningful change.
It's always been the younger generations, IMO.
Oldest DD21 has been chatting with her friends about school..... teaching some of everything.... morals...... the world..... OR training children up to perform particular jobs after CHOOSING what those jobs are FOR THEM.
She's looking at schools and careers.... immmersed in it and very pleased to I'm focused on education in the US.
We can't save the people who broke the system, failed to change the system or are benefitting through the broken system. They're lost. Beyond hope and help, IMO.
We're going to have to teach the kids to do better and maybe we have to die before that's possible..... or everyone has to start voting?
Not sure, but I've been interested in the education system since my late teens....... the dialectics of it. It's failing. Always failed,but it's where we begin change, IME. I SEE it. I can't figure out the fixing of it. The sociopaths in charge would likely prefer to tank everything rather than admit change is necessary.
As long as the powerful have the power....and can tank everything...... so much like dealing with an ASPD N.... IME..... holding so many things and people hostage. Making dirty deals, for those who can stomach it, is necessary. I don't think I have the stomach.
But nothing stays the same. We'll die, the N's in charge will die....and our children and grandchildren will replace them. Slowly, so slowly, things can change. New Ns will rise, but maybe not remain as ignorant or void of curiosity? Maybe care about the vault for their pennies, which is this earth, enough to consider allowing changes, if they aren't leading to make change.
Our healthcare system...... slowly slowly will change, IMO.
When willful ignorance and education collide. When the next generation refuses to perpetuate and support the broken system and politicians blindly and things start pulling in a more generally same direction. When the young people take office and outnumber the old guard..... THAT will be where systems begin moving toward what's best for everyone....I think.
It's the young people who will save themselves.
Or not.