Hi BettyAnne,
It's lovely to see you, although I'm sorry things are (understandably) so tough for you. I was watching a TV show the other night and a lady on there was talking about losing her husband - she said the light in her heart had gone out and I just really go the sense of loss and sorrow from that. I guess it feels like a similar thing for you. I'm so sorry.
I think with family, even breaking away didn't stop the enormous influence they had/have on my life. I haven't spoken to my mum for fifteen years now and the only contact has been either unpleasant cards or letters from her and one or two 'reaching out' cards from me over the years, which I wished I hadn't sent. I still think about her every day, I still wish things were different, I still look back at some of my childhood and think 'what the hell were you thinking?'. I think they're just part of us, you know? And I guess Bill kind of rescued you from them in a way, and maybe that's why they're on your mind a lot again now he's gone.
I'm very sorry it's so tough and wish there was something I could do or say that just made it feel better. It's so hard. I hope you're able to pop in here from time to time anyway, it's always lovely to see you xx