I kid you not..... once I had 5 years of electrical bills UNPAID, bc no one was getting a bill and everyone must have thought someone else was paying it THEN the electric company wanted to cut off the power instead of get paid and continue on, without F'ing everything up.
Seee.......THIS is an opporunity to practice compassion. Yup yup yup.
To catch the anger BEFORE it grows teeth. Yup yup yup.
And I've spent an hour trying to pay the electric bill this morning w/o success setting up the internet account.... bc all the numbers and code and dashes and dots make zero sense and i need a tour guide, paid at In'l rates, to walk me through it and set UP an account, but there's no one to answer the phone, so...... and I do this every couple of months, bc doing i makes me want to dash my head on the pavement.
I used to have to trudge in the heat, for miles, to make a payment on the water, phone and electric bills, which I'd pay ahead a year, bc.... trudging and living 1000.00 trip AWAY from the offices.
Now, you'd think it would get easier, but honestly...... there's nothing easy about it, except MAYBE the water bill is handled automatically on a credit card... what could go wrong?
I'm not kidding, it took me months to pay the phone bill, while calling every day...... the system wouldn't work and they couldn't take payment over the phone.... it was trudging OR...... figuring out the.....
I have stuff to do.