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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #60 on: March 04, 2022, 12:21:01 AM »
I'm relieved to see B's medical situation is moving along and in a good direction.  YES!

Wonderful update, (((Amber and Buck.)))



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #61 on: March 16, 2022, 07:51:03 AM »
Still waiting to hear what date surgery might be scheduled. B's gone back home with instructions to try to gain body fat... which is difficult when he's currently managing pain by concentration of his mind & movement of his body. He also can't eat large amounts at any given time without causing issues. The protein shakes upset his stomach.

He's also got a one-minded fire to get as much packed up to move as possible next trip. He'll need at least a month of carefully enforced "light duty" during recovery, so I'm stocking up on 2x4s to keep him still enough for the incisions to heal and the pump to firmly implant itself.

Spring is trying to sproing! The scattered clumps of Daffodils are up (I really need to order & plant more bulbs.) Helga the Beast of a Jeep has been reborn, and had a facelift. That's been B's project. She now sports a big winch on a new bumper and will have a reminder posted on the dash for Hol: trees don't move. LOLOLOLOLLOL.

Busy days around here, so I'm not "in my head" so much. Feeling good - although I still need to work on strength. Hol's got her weights set up in the Hut garage.... and has proposed I accept her offer of "personal training" advice.  :rolleyes:  There's a reason I would've been a really bad fit for the military; to wit, her brand of "encouragement" often has the opposite effect on me. I dunno if she'll have time though; greenhouse gets delivered this month.

New kitty Black Jack, is starting to settle in. Freddy still isn't impressed with him, but so far there haven't been any scuffles. Stinks & Jack are thick as thieves... and Stinks is over the moon to have a younger playmate. Being feral, Jack bonded to B - who can pet him and pick him up. So far, the closest Jack will get to me is a few feet away when I feed him - or playing with my feet under the covers of the bed. He can't go outside until he's neutered - and I can't  make the appt until I know I can pick him up and get him in a crate.

And I just heard I'm dogsitting today for Knuckles.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #62 on: March 16, 2022, 10:57:07 AM »
Awww, the menagerie sounds wonderful, Amber. Woofs and purrs (not to mention quacks and clucks...)

SO glad B is moving forward toward a new pain pump. He deserves that miracle. It's incomprehensible what he's had to go through to get it, but the tunnel light seems to be glowing brighter.

He is so very very lucky to have you tracking, supporting, planning. I hope he tells you so!

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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #63 on: March 20, 2022, 01:14:06 PM »
If I don't post - you should assume No News = Good News.

Just been readjusting to being solo again, getting seeds started, thinking ahead... even though our priorities and "next things" are already mapped out and just "doing" - with plenty of downtime right now waiting on better weather on days I'm not committed to something else. It's still too wet to start digging dirt in the garden.

Life is good here - MOSTLY because none of us take the "stories with agendas or opinions and viewponts" as actual news anymore. And we aren't emotionally manipulated by most of those things either. We know human nature is the same as it ever was - no matter how effectively we try to grow and change for the better. It's a quieter life but we're used to making our own entertainment. Got Buck a chess set this year for his birthday.

I haven't had a lot of contact with B this week. He went home to a sewer disaster that was created by the county - who also tried to fine him for the situation. He's just been one foot in front of the other since getting home. I don't tug at him all day because my job is to get the shop finished and make room in the house for what he's bringing. I'm still trying to create trust between Jack kitty and myself - and I have been able to quickly pet him before he realizes it's me. LOLOL. I can also pick him up but I mostly just respect his space and talk to him all day. He's a very chatty kitty.

Hol & S are working on the foundation prep for the greenhouse and getting garden beds ready. She's still painting in the hut & garage... trying to get back into weight training... and looking forward to planting the trees outside that have been in her house all winter. Rick, my backhoe guy, plans to move south in June. He's been shoring up our miles of road and the backhoe has gotten a lot of maintenance done, courtesy of him and Buck. More to come - and it highlights the need for some kind of equipment shed storage for that investment. As much as we're doing around here the bobcat & hoe are absolutely necessary - and B is bringing more equipment.

Fickle March weather - today feels like another good day for a fire. But I will need to clean out the stove first.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2022, 01:16:15 PM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #64 on: March 20, 2022, 06:39:01 PM »
This sounds wise to me, Amber:
Life is good here - MOSTLY because none of us take the "stories with agendas or opinions and viewponts" as actual news anymore.

I do have the capacity to trust some people with well-earned perspective or wisdom that I know I do not have; nor do I have the experience or expertise to. I don't feel humiliated or devalued by that, just humbled in a positive way. I am willing to learn from ethical and educated (via common sense or "book learnin'") sources I scrutinize fairly well, I believe. Nobody's taking "authority" over my own mind and reasoning, but that doesn't make me unwilling to learn from others' reasoning. I learn a lot from YOU, for example, even where we differ.

This article gave me new insight about extremes on either end today:

Every time I think about your life on the mountain (and your plans with Buck) I feel a glow in my chest, a whiff of vicarious happiness, and a sense that good things are happening in a beautiful, sheltered part of the world. I visit you in my imagination every time you report on the busy, productive things you are immersed in, and I love it! Thank you for sharing your plans and accomplishments so generously.

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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #65 on: March 31, 2022, 09:23:13 AM »
Phew! A relatively quiet morning today. Up & down weather - Tuesday morning it was almost zero degrees... and I've been out barefoot this morning, it'll be 70 something today but wind is kicking up to gale force again. Out like a lion, I suppose.

I have a new weird idea floating around in my head, and given I only have my perspective on it thought I'd throw it out for feedback. After talking with my F2F folks around here, about how difficult our early lives have been - for various reasons - it SEEMS universally accepted/understood that the most uncomfortable, anxiety-motivating life conditions are when we are reasonably secure (in our homes, income, expected daily routines), and there are no major stressors or "projects" going on in our lives. When we've got nothing to really complain about, ya know? Emotionally pleasant times... no unfulfilled expectations... no regrets about the past - whether paths not taken, or those we did and struggled with. Maybe it's that "waiting for the other shoe to drop" phenomenon... but nowhere in nature does it always follow that bad things happen in equal proportion, or EVERY time, something good happens.

People also seem to handle that "fear of happiness/contentedness" differently. Some actively seek out external "causes" to become passionately involved in... even at the level of "OPP" (other people's problems). Some despair, and fall into a black hole of hopelessness/futility. Some simply seem adrift... vulnerable to whatever crosses their path that hooks their attention, even if it's only for a day. As if there is no coherent "self" with it's own interests, etc. to pursue, master... or just enjoy in gratitude & bliss.

And it manifests differently in the different stages of life, too. Hol & I have been talking about this more lately. She and I have a different (we think it's healthy) attitude about death... as in, it's an absolute given part of the cycle of life and fearing the unknowns of it instead of seeing it as an adventure of exploration & discovery doesn't really make a lot of sense. That's not to endorse a reckless disregard for life, mind you. But the idea that when we were born, we were already committed to dying, is just a part of nature and fearing or avoiding it at ALL costs doesn't always make sense. Worse is when someone subconsciously RESISTS the reality of that fact of life, methinks.

An obsession with that fear can turn into a dysfunctional passive life pattern - and I don't mean anti-socially; hermiting. To me, it's as if a person spends so much time, energy and financial resources on trying to guarantee their own security that there is simply no room anywhere in their consciousness or lives for any "nutritious" activities or interactions.

[Note: I acknowledge that fear of loss of others in our lives is a completely different animal. This idea of fear of happiness is almost linked somehow to the fear of the LOSS of it. So, if one is so afraid of feeling that happiness/contentedness that one shuts it off... and simultaneously, is fearful of losing it... it seems like one traps oneself in a self-destructive negative feedback loop. All the "if, thens" send that person from one uncomfortable state of the duality to the other... ad nauseum.]

Maybe I'm missing something, in that understanding. Maybe it's not quite ready "for primetime" - to express & share; maybe it's just PART of a bigger idea. I dunno. I can only see it from where I'm at - and other people will see it differently. So I thought we could throw our ideas at it like spaghetti at the wall... and maybe everyone move their ideas/understanding a little further down the path we're on.

Your turn!  :D
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #66 on: March 31, 2022, 01:29:02 PM »
Those are such interesting, worthy speculations, Amber. And maybe not speculative but true according to physics or even metaphysics. Both of those are way above my pay grade but your post sparked a lot of thoughts and recognitions. Thanks!

Anxiety is so complicated. Sometimes when I was immersed in the extreme high stresses of various crises over the years, I'd be too numb to name it, but my body would still play it out. So though I did have moments of ecstasy, I mostly wouldn't often be happily distracted or immersed in a contented flow as you describe, but instead, marinating in adrenalin. Day to day, simple living and regular routines have always been a struggle because of the ADD, so the shame-cycles of that would spark new anxiety spurts. Tried meditation and anxiety would spike even more, though I still am certain meditation would be helpful if I could maintain the habit.

I think some of it, actually a lot of it, is not incorrect thinking or analyses but what my thoughts and feelings mean to me, looked at all together. Early inclinations and religious training supported my basic nature (like my father's) as mostly an empath. Just a jittery, poorly-regulated one. Codependency lurks just beyond the borders of loving and caring. But that doesn't make the loving and caring not worth risking. An impulse toward meaning gives purpose, even when one feels ineffective. As does love.

Sometimes I speculate that more of our feeling states and thinking patterns are biological than we understand. And others are flabbergastingly mysterious, for which I can only scrape up the word "spiritual." Experiencing hypnosis and having my life saved by it, was one crack in the universe that let in a different light. That deep life force I'd always thought of as an abstraction was palpable then, and it changed things. It was mystery and positive, not fearful.

Ime, anxiety seems like this:
panicky thought cycles
biological and chemical reactions to events or sensations
chickens and eggs arguing over which of these came first

I don't fear death itself. In some ways I look forward to it but that's just residual hope from early religion. Mainly, I think of it as something that nature knows how to do and I don't, so it's something I'll be able to submit to in trust. Just as babies submit to being shoved down the birth canal. When I watched my father's face transform to pure wonder as he died, it was comforting. I don't know if he went down the tunnel to an amazingly beautiful other dimension of energy that contains him still, or whether after a huge whoosh of last light and the brain bringing up deep beautiful stored memories or images, he winked out forever. (Hence, agnosticism.) And I never will know until I'm there myself. Meanwhile, instincts seem to urge us to keep living as long as we can.

I do fear loneliness and suffering before death. I am not afraid to go pretty deeply into where emotions can go as that leads to creativity at times, but I'm also a physical coward with a low pain threshold. I've spent so much time with the very old that I recognize that acute loneliness, neglect and suffering may become the norm for some of us. On the other hand, some very-old do seem more contented than folks a decade or two younger, and that's interesting. Maybe by then one is more at peace with the outcome and it just gets incorporated into the present.

One factor for me that may never change is that losing my only child (and family) changed my attitude toward fear of loss. She's not dead but I don't expect to ever see her again. For me, I don't expect to ever experience a greater loss (unless she died), so I doubt anything will possibly ever hurt as much. So I don't feel anxiety about that any more, as it proved something profound about releasing the outcome. Or accepting that the outcome is entirely out of our hands. When there's no choice, you do what you have to do as much as you are able. Or just keep breathing even if sometimes you'd rather feel nothing.

Although I'll grieve as I lose friends one day, I will be raw-heartbroken when Pooch goes. But my belief is that unconditional love is as close as the next animal or human (or cause) in need of  it, though, and I'll always need someone to love.

Ramble, ramble.

Not a very coherent response to your very coherent essay, Amber, but I enjoyed it a lot. If I could start every day with a deep think like this, it'd be awesome. Must create a To Do list.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #67 on: March 31, 2022, 03:41:46 PM »
To-do lists are almost irrelevant these days to me, Hops. I know to feed the cats or they'll pester me till I do. I reduced the size of lists to the 2x2 post it size. Then I lose the damn post-it! or something comes up that I need to address that makes me forget there's a list at all. My anxiety revolves mostly around things I can't control - and I finely defined the few things I WANT to control, or attempt to. There is a mostly physical anxiety I have in response to clutter - and it hardly needs "managing" because when it hits that threshold, I'm feeling it and can't escape it until I've put things away. My brain needs empty surfaces - walls or tabletops - to deeply relax.

I do keep "plannng" journals. I have one for the garden, one for the property in general and a design notebook for drawings & notes about the things I'm envisioning some day in the future. These only get updated once or twice a year and there are no dates -- it's becoming impossible to predict when, for instance, the steel for my roof replacement will arrive - so that the rest of the materials & the work can scheduled. We have agreed on a general target timeframe. When I'm inspired - or someone else has a good idea - those go in the planning notebooks.

So more often now, I "do" based on when I "know" it's time. The kids seedlings are a couple weeks ahead of mine - but I kinda knew spring and reliable consistent warm temps were going to happen a little later this year. I don't know how I know; I just know. Same thing happens with purging or organizing. Without any apparent stimulus - it's just "time" to tackle that one thing. Sometimes, it involves letting go of stuff that's all woven into my early life conditions.

That kind of stuff is less intellectually centered; more intuitive, I think. And that's a new (inner) landscape for me to live in. It probably comes from the solitude; B tends to support it most of the time. Holly, is slowly starting to understand - and deal with her own processes.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #68 on: April 01, 2022, 01:10:27 AM »
I think it sounds like a beautiful way of entering, accepting and supporting your life, Amber.

I was actually cracking a joke about a To Do list...I haven't gotten even that together. Thought it was funny to think of a list that has at the top every day:

1) Deep Think.

You know, it's not a bad idea. I did The Artist's Way morning pages for a short time, and remember really enjoying it. And I haven't journaled, other than here, for many years. Maybe that would be a much better way to launch a day than hours of news, eh? I might try it. Baby steps.

I kept a huge journal/sketchbook for a long time when I was younger. From front to back, I wrote journal stuff. Oy, relationships, dramas, trying to sort out who I was. But from back to front, I wrote my dreams.

The process was so amazing. The physical act of using cursive and writing down anything at all that I remembered. Even a scrap of an image, a few words grabbed out of the dark before the light washed it away. Doing that every morning, with the journal in grabbing distance, and in a couple of weeks I was writing page after page like a complete movie. I found it amazing, just to open a door a crack and through the physical act of writing/recording, not thinking, finding a whole nether world of my mind. I think that's maybe a hint as to why hypnosis actually worked for me, years later.

It wasn't just that it released me from smoking. It was that I learned inner encounters are real. I was interested enough in my deep hidden self that I was able to call on it.

'Bout time I did that again, I think. Wish me luck.

And meantime, I will think of the planning notebooks with awe. Beautiful in a whole different way.

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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #69 on: April 11, 2022, 09:52:53 AM »
I usually revisit those notebooks or update them, twice a year Hops. It's just a place to hold my ideas about this place - and not all of them get executed and definitely priorities change so much it's silly to think of them as a to-do list. Just like the great room redecoration project - it's in my head, measurements noted as to space... sketches... and it's just waiting for me to have the time to revisit and see if I still "want" to do that. The house functions pretty darn well with the pieces I brought from the beach.

I'm chomping at the bit to get out in the dirt - and the next couple days are gonna be warmer, so I might start with the kitchen beds & prune the raspberries. My seedlings are definitely looking for dirt. Kids are busy with vehicle maintenance and the greenhouse project; and I think I may have to give Hol a hand with the greenhouse. S is working a lot so isn't around.

B is still waiting to hear from surgeon; still waiting after a month of leaving messages for a call back. And this last round of steroid shots put him in the ER with a severe hypertensive reaction. It's taken him 3-4 days to recover from that. He already has two recommendations that the dosage is way too high and the frequency/number of shots is too much as well. I'm more than a little unclear how his insurance can all of a sudden insist he get these shots - or lose all his coverage. Sounds like blackmail - and if he's got two other docs saying it's unnecessary and even dangerous - then why let the doc coerce him into an appt he didn't ask for?? Just say NO, right?

But my insurance is mess too. I was going to completely lose my private insurance when I turned 65 - UNLESS I signed up for Medicare. I looked at every available option in the private market for my state and they all required medicare. Signing up was easy enough to do online. But then the big surprises started. My private premium dropped to about 1/3 of what I'd previously been paying; but Medicare more than made up the difference as my premium was adjusted upward to reflect my income. So not saving any money; it's kind of a wash. Until we get to Part D - which I just got billed for. I have Rx insurance from my private insurance who've partnered with Express Scripts. (Mind you - I don't take ANY rx's.) So this month's medicare billing has doubled for Part D and the mailings I've got come from 3 different offices and say 3 different things. Now, I can read and get to the bottomline of complex contracts. But these mailings are intentionally written to contradict themselves and confuse, as far as I can tell. I'll be working the phone today to try to get this sorted out.

I guess they think everyone 65 & older just sits around bored all day and have all the time in the world to untangle their web of BS. I got news for 'em.  :rolleyes:

And of course, my taxes are more complicated this year, since my longtime investment advisor moved on to another bank... and we qualified for the covid "employee retention credit". It's potentially a big credit for each employee we kept and paid full wages even when we barely kept net income in the black.

Yeah, I got nothing to do all day long; days on end.  :rolleyes:

If there wasn't a move on to stop taking cash patients at docs & hospitals, I'd be tempted to cancel all that insurance and just bank that money - it works out to about 15K annually - and I only use it for glasses every year. It just seems like all insurance is a racket; con game and when a catastrophic event does occur - there's a little clause in the fine print which lets the insurer off the hook for paying out anything; much less replacement value at today's inflated prices.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2022, 01:11:04 PM »
I couldn't begin to explain how or why, but my neighbor is an expert in insurance stuff, and during the open enrollment period he walked me through how to save. The bottom line was that although we investigated whether I could do better on the "medicare advantage" piece (part of my state retiree benefits, I guess it's what they call a Medigap plan). It turned out that because of the stroke 3 yrs back, the best option (AARP's) would put me in "Tier 3" which had a WHOPPING premium. So I'm sticking with the state program for what I'm already paying. I don't THINK they can raise the rates....

However, he did save me a bunch over ExpressScripts. For me, Humana's Rx plan was the best option. All I need to do is switch pharmacies to one in their network. Slightly less convenient, but no big deal.

The whole thing is way way way too complicated but I'm glad I went through the motions.

Good luck with all this, and much much luck to B. I doubt it's blackmail or conspiracy, but hope he gets through that roadblock PDQ. What a disappointment.

Health care in this country is lacking in CARE.

hugs and support,
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #71 on: April 12, 2022, 06:50:55 AM »
This Country doesn't practice healthcare.

It's sick care.

$15K a year for glasses seems a bit steep, Amber.



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #72 on: April 12, 2022, 08:59:56 AM »
LOLOLOLOL. No kidding Lighter! But just try to get any kind of dental or eye care if you DON'T have insurance. They look at you as if you aren't speaking English.

Hops, I don't get to shop for Rx insurance; it's the only option for maintaining my private insurance.

So in yesterday's mail I have 2 letters from Medicare, from 2 different locations on 2 different dates... each showing me a different income-adjusted premium. Those amounts differed from the current billing statement premium due... and the website's amount when I logged in. I tried calling the phone number on the back of the bill. When all their spiel about using the website finished I got transferred to what was supposed to be a human. And heard that all the reps were busy assisting others and to call back later. Click.

So I opened a chat online. And was told, that YES, my Rx insurance is provided by private insurer... and that YES, medicare CAN decide I need to pay the GOV more money for the privilege of having that included in my private premium. And of course, pay it to the GOV.  Mind you - I'm not getting any better or more guaranteed benefits from paying more. And I MUST have a plan D option/medicare or cancel the private RX coverage... which means my private insurer will cancel ALL of my coverage with them.

Since when can the gov add a surcharge (in the hundreds of dollars, btw - it's more than my total private insurance premium) to a commercial retail product? So, while our situations are different, it appears B & I are in the same catch-22 loop on insurance. And why is there more than 1 office determining what my premiums are going to be - and dear godz, why aren't they the same amounts?

I wouldn't still be in business if I ran things this way. And the whole thing feels very much like a Nigerian prince email scam, if only I send $10k to his bank account... I'll be verified as a beneficiary on the inheritance of a great fortune. Since I can legitimately claim Mennonite connections, I may check into what they do for insurance. Maybe I will go completely (as much as possible) Amish.

This feels like gaslighting. Feels like dealing with massive cognitive dissonance again. Smells really N-ish to me and I promised myself never to do that again. I have too much other - much more fun - stuff to be getting on with!!

Got some seeds into the kitchen garden yesterday; last bit of the shop will get finished up this week or next. AND the first clutch of baby ducks/geese have hatched.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2022, 09:09:13 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #73 on: April 12, 2022, 03:02:07 PM »

Found part of the problem. They are using my MAGI for 2019 - which even for that year is grossly high. Am in search of that tax return now. I think they don't realize I'm only a 50% owner; the amount they quoted sounds like net income for the company that year - but my brother and I don't receive all that in dividends.

Nevermind that 2020's covid sales meant our net income went in the toilet. Last year was only marginally better; we had a bigger cushion from simply breaking even.

I am going to appeal their decision on my adjusted premium, assuming I can find the MAGI number in the 100 pg tax return.

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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #74 on: April 18, 2022, 09:33:50 AM »
Aaaannnnnnnddddddd... it's snowing again! But it will turn to rain later, dissolving the organic fertilizer I spread over the garden yesterday. I still want to spread my mushroom compost and mix in some (very well composted) wood chips before I plant. Which now looks like I'll be waiting till after the last frost date - May 15th - this year. I'm going to have to pinch some seedlings back.

New kitty Black Jack has bounced back well since his neuter appt. and has gotten a lot easier to handle & snuggle. I don't think he has much interest in going outside with the big boyz. But technically he shouldn't be out till the end of the week anyway. And I'll need to give him the tour around the decks.

Other than that, not much news to report here. I am trying to keep busy and working on organizing/decluttering.
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