Author Topic: Placebos = $$$  (Read 797 times)


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Placebos = $$$
« on: January 21, 2023, 08:55:47 PM »

So a placebo may work between 35%-to-60%

My keyboard is sticky I think I got honey on it.

If a person is having a temporary issue then they can try some fix and after a month the temporary issue may have resolved.

Should a person just pick a placebo. Any placebo.

I now don't believe in very much but after an amount of time I could probably get indoctrinated whether I believe it or not. Afterall Scientologists say "you don't have to believe in it, you just have to do it."

When doctors ask patients with "depression" if they have any hope... I think maybe they are just trolling to see if the placebo might work on these people.

If something works on it's own then "hope"  "faith"  "believe" do not have to be a factor really.

The other day I was walking outside and had stood for a while with my hand over my eyes to sheild from the sun. I was looking at something I thought was beautiful and just enjoying the break in general gray weather. A nice looking lady came along and asked me if I had spotted anything. I thought she was just being friendly but I also thought maybe she is crazy for asking me a question like that because the day was clearly a beautiful day. I said something specific about how nature is beautiful and then she responded with some nonsense about it's "all god's creation" .... frankly I wasn't thinking about religion in that moment. My mind was void of religion and politics. Can we look on a war field and say the rotting bodies are god's creation as well. It's all the Easter Bunny's creation.

So no I don't think a religious placebo will work for me.

What is a lazy low cost placebo. It might have a 10% chance of working on me.

I might pick a vitamin. I can pray to the vitamin. I can put a shrine up around the vitamin. I can tell myself that vitamin is going to make me a better person and will solve my problems. Maybe just vitamin C it 's pretty inexpensive. You can even get vitamins at the dollar store. The Dollar Twenty Five store they upped their prices.

This really should be a self-help phenomenon: Cult of the dollar store vitamin worshiper.

Googled this:

"What is the success rate of Prozac?
Brand names: Prozac

Fluoxetine has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 614 ratings for the treatment of Anxiety and Stress. 66% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience."

When doctors or counselors prescribe treatments they do not tell the patient what the effectiveness rate is.

When I look up and read what people say about CBT for instance there is a significant number of people who did not like it and think it's total bunk.

Control your thoughts. Control your thoughts. Control your thoughts. Blah blah blah.


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Re: Placebos = $$$
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2023, 09:08:27 PM »
There is a social media person who reads scripts about therapy and she is sponsored by Better Help dot com. She is blonde and has blue eyes. Essentially she is a sales person. A rep for a company.

People make real reviews about Better Help dot com saying it's a subscription service. So people pay money for it if they get an appointment or not. One person made a review saying she got charged over $400.00 and never had an actual appointment. So now they just charge for the heck of it. Talk or no talk it's the thought that counts. It's like health insurance where you just pay for the insurance but that doesn't mean the insurance will cover your doctors cost if you ever need to go.

The service model. It's like a phone bill.

I worked in health care doing not much but looking at data and recruiting people. Even I didn't think too hard about the health care industry and the layers to it.

We had a woman come from this company called Digene. I think she was just a sales person not actually a clinician in any way. I mean these are traveling sales people. They make an appointment and have a sideshow for you.

That company was bought by something called Qiagen.

Apparently Qiagen is owned by BlackRock and GoldmanSacks.

Ah, now they sell rape kits and Covid stuff.

Golly BlackRock where have I seen that name before.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2023, 09:27:20 PM by Meh »