Skep, I used to get 'in the zone' with reading, look up and realise it was dark outside and I'd been sat for hours. Those are the sort of things that don't happen anymore; I could read for hours now but I think my brain got so used to never getting more than ten minutes that it works differently now. Trying to turn it back the other way. The cat's life is definitely one to aspire to, all that lounging! And ours just plonks himself wherever he likes and we have to go round him, there's no shifting him. Lol.
Thanks, Lighter and Hops

I think my current problem is I don't have a subject to change to, because I tend not to do anything other than problem solve, boring but necessary things and then numbing out stuff (ie TV, social media and books that aren't really worth talking about, just something that doesn't require thought or effort and just numbs the feelings away). So that's what I want to change, more things in life that make for interesting conversation. I'm not interested in politics, world news, that poor lady that got murdered, all those sorts of things that seem to be what others want to talk about a lot. I'd really like, for example, to know someone who, when I tell them I went to see a film (and son and I go often as he is a real film fanatic) wants to know which film, and who was in it, and 'oh did you see that one they did about the giant daisy' or whatever, but someone else who has that interest, or at least has enough interest in a conversation that they'll ask questions about what the other person did for the sake of making conversation. Even better would be someone who has some other suggestions of films by the same director, or knows of an exhibition that ties in with it, or just got this great book about so and so's work, that sort of thing. That's what I'd love, conversations that go somewhere, rather than what usually happens which is a grumble about the cost/parking/you can watch it cheaper at home/no reaction other than 'oh' or bizarrely, a leap from that into complaining about immigrants/Tories/global warming/conspiracy theories or any one of the many things that seem to form a lot of people's conversation now. I don't care lol.
I think the pivoting thing is the reason I've pretty much stopped talking to everyone now. I do find that anything that isn't their preferred topic just doesn't get a response and I want to feel enlivened by a conversation or get together, rather than exhausted. I want more things I can talk about from my own life so that when I meet new people I don't feel like I've got nothing to offer. The friend who went on for a very long time about their trip, I posted about that a while ago, I've not spoken to since, because I realised it's always me who contacts her and then she talks at me. So I haven't contacted her since and guess what? She hasn't got in touch. Another friend who always replies to my 'how are you texts' with a very long list of everything that's gone wrong that week and how many problems she has and no-one ever does anything, but almost all of these things could be tackled more proactively. Usually I respond with an equally long message of sympathy and support, suggestions of things to try and offers of help, but this time I just said I was sorry she'd had a tough week, hoped things improved soon and did she have anything planned for Guy Fawkes night. No reply lol.
I think what I'm finding tough is that the feelings that come up without the numbing out are very difficult to feel. I quite literally do not have anyone in real life who keeps in touch with me just to see how we're doing, or who is genuinely interested in anything we do or anywhere we go. Our lovely trip away at the beginning of last month is consigned to the scrap book because I've not had a real life conversation with anyone who was at all interested in it or wanted to know anything about it. And me bringing it up elicited comments about how much they needed a holiday/how much it costs to go away/how they'd never holiday in the UK etc, and I want to talk to people who say 'oh how amazing! Where did you go, what did you do, what did you see?'. I've got people I can share that with online, but I'd love it face to face, someone sat here, having a cuppa, looking through the photos and genuinely being interested in what we experienced. Anyway - all in all, I think it's about self improvement. Getting in to a better head space by engaging in more interesting things at home, and that leading to getting to events and groups where people are doing 'that stuff', and then hopefully meeting folk who at later date would be interested in knowing what we did - even wanting to come with us next time! Imagine that. Tupp the social butterflly instead of Tupp the fixer and emotional dumpster. Wouldn't that be great lol
Just editing to say, one of the things I find so difficult about other people is I've had a lot of people bin me off over the years, presumably because all I had to talk about was how many problems we were having and I didn't have anything interesting to offer. And it hurt, very deeply, and left me very lonely. I've known a lot of people over the years I have found interesting and wanted to be around, but they didn't want to be around me, in just the same way there are people now I've known for a long time who I don't want to be around any more. I know how painful it is so part of me doesn't want to do it to anyone else. But practically I haven't got the time or the headspace to accommodate someone else and get more into things that interest me. It's necessary but it doesn't feel good x