Author Topic: Developing A Personality  (Read 5923 times)


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #150 on: March 21, 2025, 11:47:56 AM »
Maybe my impression isn't accurate - but aren't there countries where it's the norm (or at least, not uncommon) for strangers to ask to sit when there are plenty of seats? Just for the conversation?

When I was still in HS, some mornings I'd stop at the bakery - which had a little cafe - on my way to school. Every morning there was a group (a "liar's club" in some parlances) of old gents. Some businessmen, some retired, definitely a connection between them. They would discuss current events, bringing in the historical angles, making value judgements... tsk' tsking.... all of that. They would let me sit with them sometimes. I didn't talk, just listened. Guess they saw some value in that.

On the other hand, if I'm having a private convo and don't want to be disturbed - my nanosecond instinct is to flash the trespasser with "the look". I don't care if they're harmless or not; I'm guarding my space. LOL.
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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #151 on: March 21, 2025, 04:37:08 PM »
I've decided it wasn't appropriate for the old guy to approach our table, bc other tables were available AND DD and I were engaged in conversation.

There were seats everywhere....outside, inside. 

Simply asking him to wait, till we were done, was the move......even if he wanted to argue or ignore me.  Leaving would have felt less helpless.

Welp, another lesson.  Another opportunity.
