Author Topic: Developing A Personality  (Read 4662 times)


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #30 on: November 16, 2024, 08:00:49 AM »
Thank you, lovely ones :)  Lol, I think craft wise I'm making photo albums and scrapbooks my winter project.  I've boxes of photos and bits and pieces that I never get round to sorting out and putting into albums so I'm going to work on that, more family history stuff (fascinating that you can find everything online; there's a photo online of the house my dad was born in and, if I've got all the dates right, the pub at the end of the road that would have been where my grandad went to wet the baby's head!) and I'm quite of a mind to do more natural craft stuff from twigs, leaves, berries and moss - fairy gardens and Christmas wreaths, that sort of thing.  I'm not great with knitting or crochet, I don't seem to be able to get the hang of it, but I find hand sewing relaxing so that's another good one (although I need a light the size of a football pitch because I can't see lol).

I can't quite explain this but it makes sense to me so I'll give it a go; I'm finding lots of memories of myself at various stages in childhood and they are all sad, lonely children that no-one cares about.  I feel like I'm carrying all of them and I feel like it's those parts of myself that respond so strongly to people being nice to me and then me being desperate to please those people, whilst also ultimately being rejected by them when the time comes that I say no and they leave.  I'm doing cord cutting meditations; I've kind of made my own up now but basically gathering together one or more of these sad little ones, explaining that I love and care for them, but that I can't carry them anymore and I need help.  I pass them on to an angel, who takes them all away to this lovely sort of children's field run by angels, where all the children get the love and attention they need and deserve.  I know it sounds a bit bonkers but it seems to be helping.  It's making me feel quite tired, and quite sad at times, but at the same time it also feels like I'm moving toward being able to respond to what's going on in my life as an adult, instead of as an abandoned and neglected child.  I nearly called a friend today (one who usually moans a lot) because the silence was getting to me a bit but then I thought, who wants this contact?  And it's not middle aged Tupp who's sick of people moaning and has plenty to be getting on with and who actually quite likes the peace and quiet, it's little five year old Tupp who doesn't get hugs or kisses, or have anyone to read her a story at night and tuck her into bed.  The little one is desperate for attention and affection, the middle aged one would rather get the housework done and then read.  The meditations are helping, they seem to be shifting things out of the way and leaving more of what's useful now in its place.  All sounds a bit mad, I know, but it seems to be helping so I'm going with it for now x


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #31 on: November 16, 2024, 08:02:44 AM »
I do constantly notice and focus on what I haven't done, what I ought to do, things I'd like to be different and so on.  It's that thing of never being enough.

Me too, Tupp. Oh, me too.


It's silly and tiring, isn't it?  I'm trying to catch myself; my normal thought is "I should have washed these dishes earlier" but I'm trying to switch to "I'm washing the dishes now" and it meaning nothing, because it doesn't and no-one gives a tiny crap when the dishes get washed, me included!  Lol


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2024, 12:47:56 PM »
And that's the secret, that "now." Being in the present means "I am doing XX now" and letting opinions about it evaporate. It's the DOING, not the thinking about.

I'm preaching to myself. As ever. But the secret of three little letters just caught me: n o w.

Sounds lovely and I'd like to practice it more too. Structured meditation doesn't work for me, but "now" could. (Plus, it'd help me tidy up.)

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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2024, 11:51:18 AM »

I like the NOW vibe in place of SHOULD and NEED TO vibes.

About handing off Little Tupps to Angels...
mindfully noticing the little ones, holding them with compassion, asking them to understand and be cared for by Angels seems very positive and loving.

I'm curious what they might say to the Angels.



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2024, 02:45:43 AM »
The now bit is difficult; we're all used to that hypervigilence and trying to side step the next potential show down and get in front of the next thing that might cause a problem.  It's very deeply ingrained and hard to ignore.  I find it hard to focus on just one thing, when so much else comes up constantly.  It's hard to ignore everything else that needs doing.

I'm finding some of the letting go hard.  I know there are people I won't see again now, because I'm not going to make the effort and I know they won't either.  I know some will be unpleasant about me to other people because of it.  I know I'm not going to have any kind of resolution with my mum before she passes.  I've known that for a long time but it still feels difficult to accept. I know the future for myself and my son is bleak if I don't find a way to make a decent living and find a community/family to look after him when I die.  That is a huge weight upon me and I find it hard to focus on washing dishes when there's a mountain that size to climb.  I spoke to someone yesterday who has frequent financial calamities, because she doesn't plan and overspends, and usually I give her all sorts of suggestions for managing money better, none of which she takes any notice of.  Yesterday I didn't, I just said oh, it's difficult isn't it, and started talking about something else.  And whilst I was pleased I did it, I also feel a sense of not knowing who's going to replace Little Miss Fix It Tupp, because I don't feel I've got anything else to offer and I find that difficult sometimes.

But at the same time I feel like it's now or never.  I either carry on doing what I've always done and I end my days alone, unfulfilled and empty.  Or I really try, try to weather how unpleasant it all feels and do it despite the worry of 'what if there's nothing else there' and maybe at the end at least I'll know I tried, even if nothing ever comes of it.


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #35 on: November 18, 2024, 08:00:52 AM »
What comes of mastering one's own "have to's"?

For me, there's a sense of accomplishment and PEACE in a tidy and clean house. Add a good meal to the list, and I feel certain I'm "good enough" as a human being to hold forth opinion-wise on most any other topic. Full wood racks, is B's way of getting there; pulling the weeds from winter garden too. (He's getting ready to till it again before it freezes.) Everything ELSE besides those "taking care of one's self the best way I know how" is all gravy; it's extra icing on the cake.

I certainly wish I'd figured this out sooner in life. I chased the "big dreams" (at the expense of more important lifttle things) for far too long... and the "prize" for those big things was a false promise. Empty. Those things were like ego-bait; kept me on the treadmill too long. No wonder my stress levels and anxiety were off the chart then!

There's a huge change in my perspective on life since Mike died. Being on my own. Finally being able to forge my own path - sometimes willy-nilly, sometimes outlined in mass detail. Having more head-space (not so many people taking up room in it) allows me to naturally gravitate to tapping into the creative side of me, too. I feel I know the space I occupy on the planet way better; my "purpose" is well integrated with how I spend my time; and I'm able to manage the various accidents/things that pop up or don't go well, a lot better. I know where the boundary is between me and the rest of world without having to puzzle it out or try to make clearer, less fuzzy. And that all feels real good and doesn't take any energy.
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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2024, 06:06:32 AM »
What comes of mastering one's own "have to's"?

For me, there's a sense of accomplishment and PEACE in a tidy and clean house. Add a good meal to the list, and I feel certain I'm "good enough" as a human being to hold forth opinion-wise on most any other topic. Full wood racks, is B's way of getting there; pulling the weeds from winter garden too. (He's getting ready to till it again before it freezes.) Everything ELSE besides those "taking care of one's self the best way I know how" is all gravy; it's extra icing on the cake.

I certainly wish I'd figured this out sooner in life. I chased the "big dreams" (at the expense of more important lifttle things) for far too long... and the "prize" for those big things was a false promise. Empty. Those things were like ego-bait; kept me on the treadmill too long. No wonder my stress levels and anxiety were off the chart then!

There's a huge change in my perspective on life since Mike died. Being on my own. Finally being able to forge my own path - sometimes willy-nilly, sometimes outlined in mass detail. Having more head-space (not so many people taking up room in it) allows me to naturally gravitate to tapping into the creative side of me, too. I feel I know the space I occupy on the planet way better; my "purpose" is well integrated with how I spend my time; and I'm able to manage the various accidents/things that pop up or don't go well, a lot better. I know where the boundary is between me and the rest of world without having to puzzle it out or try to make clearer, less fuzzy. And that all feels real good and doesn't take any energy.

Yes to all of that, Skep, especially the head space.  That's more important than actual time, I find.  I might have an hour when son is doing something else but if my head is full of a dozen things I don't use that hour in the way that might be best for me.  Clearing head space is a definite bonus and yes, that does mean reducing the number of people in various states of crisis.  The funny thing I've noticed over the last couple of days is that I've had three people I've not spoken to for a while get in touch out of the blue - for nice conversations, not that they're necessarily problem free in their lives but they deal with them, rather than dumping and repeating.  It's been nice and unexpected.

Definite yes to a clean house and a good meal.  My current struggle is the age old one of not enough hours in the day.  There's just too much for me to do by myself, so major jobs around the house will mean day to day stuff not getting done, catching up on day to day stuff will mean not doing much with son, having a full day with son will mean no down time for me, and so on.  So currently trying to find ways to simplify and reduce basic tasks, alter routines with son to make things a bit more manageable, try and fit in my daily essentials before he gets up in the morning and that sort of thing.  Just trying to find a way to make it all work so that there is a sense of having 'done', instead of always feeling 'that will have to do for now' and knowing the list is just as long tomorrow.

I find it harder to disconnect from people who haven't done anything wrong.  If someone is selfish or abusive someway cutting ties makes absolute sense but when it's more that they're not bringing much to your life it feels different, especially when they have genuine problems.  But - my energy reserves are empty, I can only carry myself and son now and everyone else has to get their own life jacket on.  Kind of goes against my nature but it needs to be done.


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #37 on: November 19, 2024, 07:43:30 AM »
It might be time simplify and let some thing "go" in the everyday to-do list.

This morning I don't have time to washup last night's dishes. So be it; they'll wait till we get home. I find we regularly eat 30 or less different meals - and I've discovered some shortcut casseroles, for days neither of us have much energy. Eventually, I'm making a list and a rotation schedule, I swear it! It also reduces the amount of pantry items to store. I will plan ahead/buy extra ingredients for "special meals" that I only make occasionally because they take so much time to prepare.

B just naturally makes a mess in my space, because of all his tools & gadgets; we still haven't been able to organize actual useful space yet. I live with it - up to a point when my OCD takes over - and it's usually bearable.
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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2024, 09:40:15 AM »
It might be time simplify and let some thing "go" in the everyday to-do list.

This morning I don't have time to washup last night's dishes. So be it; they'll wait till we get home. I find we regularly eat 30 or less different meals - and I've discovered some shortcut casseroles, for days neither of us have much energy. Eventually, I'm making a list and a rotation schedule, I swear it! It also reduces the amount of pantry items to store. I will plan ahead/buy extra ingredients for "special meals" that I only make occasionally because they take so much time to prepare.

B just naturally makes a mess in my space, because of all his tools & gadgets; we still haven't been able to organize actual useful space yet. I live with it - up to a point when my OCD takes over - and it's usually bearable.

Yes, it's finding the rhythm and then sticking to it that takes a while, I find.  But we're alright, muddling through, little over three weeks until the shortest day and then we're heading back to more daylight, thank goodness!  i find it very hard to get moving and do anything useful in the mornings when it doesn't get light until 8am.  But we're getting there.

we had a mini breakthrough with friend (who I've been avoiding a bit) as she did a complete turn on her demanding family.  Husband was given a list of changes to make or else pack a bag, adult children were given notice to make new arrangements for childcare (that didn't involve her), demanding (adult) siblings were told to sort themselves out and stop phoning asking for favours.  I was delighted but it lasted about three days and then she went back to it all again.  So I'm continuing to keep my distance.

Christmas prep is almost done!  Just a few small things to get for pressies for son's friends and group leaders, he's written all his own cards, mine are done and ready to be posted.  Parcels are all done up and ready to send, Christmas food has been ordered so once the last few bits and pieces are out of the way this week we will hopefully have a relaxed and enjoyable December instead of rushing about madly in the dark :)  Had heavy snow last week but much milder again now, have stocked up on tins just in case.  Still trying to eat healthier, meditate, do yoga etc and it does seem to be helping.  Sleep is still a problem but I've had tests done and am waiting on results - hopefully something helpful will come up there.  And son's neurology appointment has finally come through, after an eighteen month wait, so hopefully that will sort a few things out.  Feeling unusually organised and on top of things for the time of year.  Have probably forgotten something very important lol


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2024, 12:04:19 PM »
That's a wonderful update, Tupp!  I nodded through much of your post....yes.



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2024, 02:28:17 AM »
Thanks, Lighter.  I've been trying to find and focus on some sort of business son and I can run from home, something that involves him, is flexible enough to fit around our different needs during the day and that brings in a bit of money (truthfully the most important bit!).  I've been reading books about money in general, practical stuff about making it and increasing it, as well as the more fundamental stuff about our beliefs regarding it and how they shape us.

Different things have come up for me doing it.  I do have a negative view of money.  I see the pursuit of it as exploitative and am aware that, unless you produce everything yourself from scratch, something or someone along the line wasn't treated well.  I know that's problematic for me, it stems, of course, from watching my mum berate, humiliate and ultimately divorce my father after he lost his money, she horded large amounts of wealth in the form of jewellery and antiques whilst pleading poverty and sending us to school in second hand uniforms and cheap and nasty school shoes, there was never enough money for school trips but she always had enough for booze, and then when stepfather moved in he got to do whatever he wanted, including assaulting her own kids, as long as the cash rolled in.  So my anti-money stance is understandable, I think, but it isn't helpful.

So I've been trying to work through that and for me, it's doing things like yoga and meditating that help, I just don't find affirmations or 'change your mindset' useful for me.  Various things have come up, unpleasant memories, head shaking at my own stupidity at times, very intense loneliness.  I've picked and plodded through, sometimes it's very frustrating, other times it feels fairly easy.  Yesterday I realised how much I've focused on changing and improving myself, in the hope that 'the life I want' will happen and everything will change (you are faulty, Tupp, fix yourself and everything else will get better).  The need to do that lifted and I realised I should put my energy into making money and setting us up for the future, and forget the self improvement (I've never had a moment in my life of feeling like I shouldn't be doing better in myself).  Late last night I found myself sobbing in bed; no-one has ever loved me.  Truly, my whole life, I've not had a person in my life who just loved me and accepted me.  I've always had to work so hard to get scraps from toxic people and I've never been able to bring anything about that involved emotionally healthy people and solid relationships.  Don't get me wrong, I've got friends, lots of people have been very kind and very nice to me over the years, but I look at the way I feel about my son, the life I've strived to create for and with him, and the fact that he's solid enough in his feelings to be a little git at times and not worry about it, and I've never had anyone feel like that about me.  It was hugely painful, I couldn't stop crying and I did do that thing of more or less crying myself to sleep.  But I woke up this morning less foggy headed than usual, my jaw doesn't feel like someone's stamped on it (it's usually very painful in the mornings) and that feeling like I need to do something extraordinary in the hope that someone will find me tolerable just doesn't seem to be there.  I've got my money book and notepad to hand ready for my morning reading session, I've done my list of things to do before we head out for the day and the meal for this evening is ready and just needs to go in the oven when we get home.  Tea has been drunk, incense burned, water is poured ready to drink and I just don't feel like I've got that 'thing' looking over my shoulder all the time.   I don't know if it will last!  Sometimes these feeling are fleeting.  But I hope it does, it certainly feels easier than my normal state.  We'll see.  It's cold lol.


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2024, 08:37:48 AM »
Cold here too Tupp!

It sounds like you're adjusting things so your path/efforts are better directed to taking care of you both. I can relate to the need to over-achieve just to get crumbs of approval! And it's a good sign, that you finally feel safe enough to wallow in the grief of what you feel. It WILL slack off and go away... leaving you less tense trying to keep it all pushed down.

I wish it would snow here.
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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2024, 05:38:46 PM »
Aww, Tupp. I love you.

And to "see" you having a stretch, brief or not, when the THING isn't bearing down on you is another thing I feel grateful for. Yesyesyes to more time like this. You are so much more than "acceptable." You're EMBRACEABLE, and people who get it are around us...we are just too scared to go look for them.

Given that we invented the holiday to celebrate escaping the Brits, and you're escaping your own oppressive beliefs, I think you should just join us every year, for Thanksgiving however you define it.

The recipes are easy: tofurkey, cornbread, canned cranberrry sauce (hmmm, dunno if you'll find it at your local shop), green beans and especially PIE. I know there must be Scottish pies that'd fill the bill? Errrr, maybe not. Ours are focused on too much sweet, so what's a savory one, is it safe to ask?

You were sounding like you're actually able to experience some self respect, self pleasure, just being...yourself...and enjoying it. That was thrilling to hear.

As to the devastating loneliness. Hon. I get that. I know the only cure is to risk people. Never total trust since that won't sit but...just little moments of recognition. You might be safer from future trauma than you know. And Son sure is too, because you have done an absolutely astonishing, I mean remarkable and UNUSUAL job of raising him into a young man with self-esteem that's equal to his challenges.

I would so love to meet him, as I know I'd like him. And that's so down to you.

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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #43 on: December 01, 2024, 12:11:46 AM »
How're you feeling, Tupp?  I hope you're positive changes are permanent.

I believe they can be.  I hope you do too.



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #44 on: December 01, 2024, 03:56:48 AM »
Thanks, everyone :)  It's funny, it feels like something has simply left.  That endless feeling of not being right or not being enough, it's often not even words in my head, just a feeling, like a sixth sense when you can't quite put your finger on it?  And it just isn't there.  I got up this morning having not done any tidying up last night; usually it feels really wrong and I spend the first hour of the day berating myself for not having done x, y and z before I went to bed and I just didn't.  But I didn't even think about it, or react to it, it wasn't a case of having to make myself do it differently or think differently, it's just - different.
We had a hospital appointment yesterday.  Usually, I have these multiple channels in my head dealing with bad memories from the past, preparing for all possible problems and accusations, trying not to think about any of it because I know it isn't helpful, fast forwarding to 'if they come for him again this is how we'll escape', backtracking to 'of course they're not going to come for him, stop being silly' and it's just such an exhausting mess, however much I try to manage and control it.  And yesterday it just wasn't there.  We just drove to the hospital, parked up, saw the doctor (who was lovely and very helpful) and then we went to do the other things we were doing that day.  We just did it without all the internal accoutrements and it was lovely, just normal and no fixing needed inside my head.
I did, of course, spoil my own good mood by commenting light heartedly on a post someone made on social media and then getting a whole day of texts explaining their current drama but that's just practising new habits - don't engage!  Read a book!  Lol.
So, I don't know.  It just feels different.  The need to have a framework to work to because that's somehow what will save me isn't there.  A to do list, yes, so I don't forget things but I've always had this feeling of if I do x, y and z, I'll be safe, and it's never left me.  Until now, it seems.  Hoping it's here to stay.  It's so much easier.  Also not cold now, the weather is really weird at the minute.