Author Topic: Developing A Personality  (Read 4824 times)


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #60 on: December 07, 2024, 10:29:59 AM »
Rest, take on fluids, mitigate symptoms with what works best (and does the least damage,) depending on what's going on for you .

Acetaminophen processes through the liver.

Ibuprofen processes through the kidneys.

I went back to my acupuncture guy and he picked up on Blood Pressure...said liver's fine ....kidneys are sucking wind.  Usually, I mix ibuprofen and acetaminophen so I'm not sure axing one organ.

I wish I could feed you guys, Tupp.  Just spent the morning making bolognais, sweet potatoes and pet food.  Going to reorganize laundry room (pulled apart for washer repair, made last night) and that rolls into a closet, the kitchen and pantry. 

I wish you and I could help each other!  I could sure use your organization skills, dear one.

You're doing exactly what you need to do.  Breathe, know this will pass and we're sending healing pink light to you.



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #61 on: December 07, 2024, 11:11:20 AM »
Thanks, both.  It definitely feels like it's on its way out, son doesn't look too bad either and I'm going to order a takeaway tonight.  Complete rest and reset, I've just lounged in the bath reading a book for the best part of an hour and now I'm back in my pyjamas.

I watched a YouTube video earlier about being the 'Hero Child' (Tim Fletcher) and he described me (probably all of us on here!) to a T - always fixing, staying on step ahead of everything, organising, planning, always being relied upon, calm in a crisis and so on.  Was absolutely what it was like for me growing up.  And then he talks about how it burns you out as an adult, because you end up surrounded by people who do nothing for themselves, you don't make meaningful connections because people never see who you really are, you exhaust yourself doing everything all the time.  And I thought, yep, that is exactly me.  I feel like the fire to keep going has dropped away, but in a good way.  I don't want to carry everyone else's stuff that they won't pick up for themselves.  I'm so tired of always being the one who is 'fine'.  There's no-one in real life that I would tell I feel the way I do at the moment, or about the flashbacks and contacting Rape Crisis.  Maybe one person I can think of.  But no-one else would know what to do or say, or be useful.  I feel I'd end up supporting them rather than the other way around.  That's not right.  That really needs to change.


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #62 on: December 22, 2024, 02:51:49 AM »
Hi everyone, just checking in, hasn't been the easiest of times but my son's had a lot of activities on which has been good as it's meant having to get on with things and keep busy.

I have noticed a couple of changes in myself within all of this which I think are good things.  Someone made a comment about something yesterday, bit snidey, and I pulled them up on it.  Calmly, wasn't a big deal, but usually I wouldn't have said anything.  They apologised, hadn't meant it the way it sounded and all was fine but I think it was a good thing, normally I'd have kept quiet and then brooded about it for ages.  Air was cleared and it was done and dealt with.

Also (shortly after that) had a message from friend I've mentioned before, detailing all the running around she's doing over Christmas for everybody else - hosting meals, babysitting grandchildren, pet sitting over New Year, I was tired just reading it.  But - I had no response to it in myself.  Usually I feel angry that people are taking advantage, frustrated that she doesn't say no, I feel a sense of needing to rescue her from the situation and then have to battle with myself not to get involved.  But none of that happened yesterday, I just said oh gosh, you'll be busy and then switched the conversation to the weather.  What on earth would we all talk about if we didn't have weather?  Lol.

Don't know if it's all connected but it felt like a good change so not all bad just now.  Doing lots of baking/cooking, Christmas decs look nice, weather has been deranged but seems to have settled down now.  Nothing major planned now until the New Year so things should stay fairly settled.

I think my next thing to work on is speaking as soon as I feel uncomfortable.  Our usual cat sitter isn't available just now so I had to find a different one as we're going back down South for a few days in January.  Picked one that looked good from their website, called to see if they have space and the woman is deranged.  Talked about herself for ages, started lecturing me on cat food, flea treatments, has a list of requirements/instructions that I've never encountered in the twenty years I've used cat sitters - and I still booked him in with her.  Can see now I kind of froze - potential conflict - keep still and say nothing.  Felt uncomfortable all day yesterday, woke up thinking about it today and realised I should have just said I'd changed my mind and ended the call.  I think there's recognition of a particular personality type and then a knee jerk reaction to pacify them.  Have to teach my nervous system that I'm not seven and I don't have to do anything I don't want to do anymore.  Have found an alternative, will call them later and if they can take him I'll cancel the other booking.  Just something I want myself to be aware of going forward - feel uncomfortable - physically leave the situation rather than freezing and taking it.  Sounds like a good plan.

Hope everyone is well and that you all have a good Christmas/Yule/Holidays/Ignoring the whole thing lol xx


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #63 on: December 22, 2024, 12:11:54 PM »
That was a marvelous update,Tupp.  Just very on point and on the moment practicalities for one's skin.

The way you handled the snide ish Nervous System stood up and cheered!  Pointed, even.  Do that!  More of THAT! Lol....a joyful leaning in, from team Lighter 🥰

The cat sitter......if you can't find another, consider this woman's "zeal" likely to benefit kitty.  Your usual sitter will be back on board, lesson learned.  Interesting to notice your reactivity around crazy, isn't it?

Good to reassure young Tupp you have this, she can rest.....survival is no longer on the line.  It's ok.  You're both safe.

The lack of reactivity around your friend, doing for everyone all the time, is revelation.  She'll do what she does, no matter if you're spinning and fuming or seeking joy for yourself.  That point's been looming large in my noticing lately. 

Spending one's time....
Choosing the light.



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #64 on: December 22, 2024, 03:58:05 PM »
Great move about the cat sitting, Tupp!
Sounds like you observed your discomfort with her, registered it within yourself without shame, and made a very simple plan to cancel her if the other alternative comes through.

AWESOME. It's as though little Tupp grew up and decided, *comfortably--no nail spitting* that her own wellbeing matters and (I'm pushing here) that all sorts of decisions can be made on that basis without angst!

Woo HOO, and Ho Ho! I'd love to gawk at your decor. I've done absolutey zip and feel just fine with that this year. (Usually I haul out a wreath for the mailbox, but not this year. Not missing a thing.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #65 on: December 23, 2024, 09:06:11 AM »
Meh! Where did all this manic craziness about Christmas come from anyway? Days to put up lights & decorate; days to put it all away again... weeks baking... then trying to find room in the freezer for what wasn't eaten. We think this was the consumerism push - make Christmas retail sales records - that started to push the message of shame/guilt if one didn't follow the crowd and do the same thing.

Our visit with Mike's D's family was an exercise in "winging it". They showed up while Hol & I were taking a break after cleaning the studio. Hol was still in her robe & PJs! So B got to greet everyone on his own. I hurried up the hill, Hol went back to the hut to change & grab the things she made. 4 teenagers in my little house - rambunctious teens, except for Logan - was a bit much so we migrated down to studio after eating. Knuckles kept the kids busy until he was wore slap out. Still didn't have much of a chance to have adult time... but that's OK. They're all good kids with attitudes - LOL. New guy seems quietly confident and is approachable. And no one wanted to talk about Mike not being around. It'll be 10 years next year. So not bad... about what I expected. More food than any of us could eat. I let Hol grab half the bbq & beans yesterday.

We'll have a cozy casual Christmas Eve, just us. And then B & I are going into our own quiet times.
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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #66 on: December 28, 2024, 03:44:21 AM »
Hi everybody, thank you, sorry for not being more responsive, I'm feeling very tired all the time at the minute and not motivated to do much.  Hopefully that will change once the Christmas and New Year disruption is behind us.

I have continued to practise being assertive.  Inside it messes me up but I need things to be different externally so I'm doing it anyway.

We had a trip down South planned for the New Year.  It was an impromptu trip that was suggested by others as for various reasons there are a number of people we know in from overseas, plus a few others from different parts of the UK, none of whom we've seen for a very long time, so a reunion of sorts was being planned.  I've been very conscious since Covid of how quickly the end can come for any of us, so I didn't want to miss the chance to see all of these people together in one place.

It was a big stretch for us, both in terms of money and practical planning, as well as many hundreds of miles to drive and so on.  But I still felt it was too good an opportunity to pass up, and I'm trying to take a problem solving approach to everything now, so we wangled and juggled and organised and it had all fallen into place.

There have been dozens of messages back and forth over the last couple of months sorting out a date, time and place that everyone could do and once that was finalised, we built our trip around that.  I'd planned to arrive the day before, rest up a bit in the hotel beforehand so that we were both able to enjoy 'the day', then I'd planned a quiet recovery day the day after, another day of stuff my son enjoys and then a final day to travel home (kitty got booked in with different sitter so we didn't have to navigate the crazy lady).

I don't know how you lot feel about this, but I don't explain my son's disability requirements to other people in any detail because it's no-one else's business and he isn't the sum of his disabilities.  There are certain things we need to do and put in place, but I can do that without any fuss and all I need for it to work is other people to honour the arrangements they made and/or do anything they're supposed to do.  I think that's pretty straightforward.  I also don't wang on about money being tight or long drives making my arthritis play up, because again, it's my business and all of those things are manageable, hence scheduling in rest time, recovery time and so on.

So we'd arranged what we needed to and were all set.  Final messages were just before Christmas Eve, everyone is set, everyone is onboard.  To my mind nothing else was needed until the day came to pack and head off.

Boxing Day, messages were sent, very early, two people have decided it is more convenient now for them to do a different date, and the whole thing was turned into chaos.  To my mind, the possibility of changing it all shouldn't have been entertained; if they've decided it no longer suits them then they just don't come (there's probably a dozen other people involved).  I said that, and pointed out that we were travelling a long way, we'd made arrangements regarding hotel bookings and pet sitters, plus other activities we were planning on doing afterwards, and that we couldn't change those around now so we needed to stick to the original arrangement.

No-one got back to us about it.  We were left hanging with no idea what was going on, knowing that if they changed the date we couldn't attend and would be taking an expensive and unnecessary trip for no reason.  We've got cancellation cover in place, but you have to do things within a certain period of time otherwise you lose money and we still have the New Year bank holidays to navigate, which delays things and means certain people aren't contactable again for a couple of days as they close for the New Year.

My instinct was to contact everyone, try to save the visit or spend two days ringing around getting everything changed and swapping things about.  I resisted but it felt hard - people pleaser not people pleasing isn't a nice place to be.  I didn't contact anyone and no-one contacted me and that was hard - decades of rejection memories bubbling to the surface and I have tried to just sit with it and let it be but my word, it doesn't feel nice.  And the feeling of invisibility being very strong again - everyone knows how far we're travelling, everyone knows we're not flush with cash, everyone knows my son has disabilities - but none of it seems to register and people feel it's fine to change plans on a whim with no thought for anyone else involved.   It's felt very unpleasant and not dealing with the unpleasant feelings has been even more unpleasant!  Normally I'd soothe myself by bending over backwards to make everything right and I didn't this time.  A case of it feeling wrong even though you know it's right.

Yesterday evening I decided that I'd given everyone more than enough time to get back to me and that I no longer felt inclined to make that long journey and spend money on a trip to see people who had made me feel that I didn't matter.  I completely understand things needing to change because of emergencies or unseen events, but this has all been organised for weeks and suddenly, a couple of people changed their minds - and to an extent were indulged? by others who should have said no straight away and didn't.

I don't feel good about it.  I feel worthless and like I don't have a right to make demands of others or to assert myself, even though I know, logically, that expecting people to stick to arrangements is perfectly acceptable and putting our own needs first is the right thing to do.  I did go ahead and cancel all the arrangements we'd made, so we will get a full refund and we haven't lost anything in that regard.

Late evening I got a message from the organiser and it was still going ahead for the original date planned.  I felt, and feel bad, that I'm not going now, but at the same time I felt that leaving us not knowing what was happening for two days wasn't on and that it wasn't reasonable for us to risk losing the money we'd paid for the room if we ended up not being able to go.  I was also worried that even if it was sorted out this time, we could get another call with the same thing happening again.  It didn't feel like the others going had made it a concrete date in their diaries, but to me it felt really important.  That's a flashpoint for me as well, attaching more importance to others than they attach to me.  I end up feeling stupid and humiliated.

Anyway.  I feel it was the right thing to do, I'm just waiting for my emotions to catch up and reflect that back to me :) Sorry for waffling on, I'm feeling very self indulgent at the minute and I know that this isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things and that many others have much worse things to cope with.  I think it's just an example of how a relatively small day to day thing unleashes so much in me that I'm trying to work through but am constantly feeling swamped by.  I do find the lack of routine and structure over the Christmas and New Year period, as does my son, and ironically I didn't organise many things to fill the time because of the trip we had planned.  So I might have a look and see if we can organise a day out somewhere or find some other activities to do.

In other news, the person I pulled up on the snidey remark?  I think it's actually improved things, we've had a couple of chats since then that have been really good, she's opened up to me a bit, I have to her so I think that bit of 'reality' helped?  Which is nice, I guess that's what the 'being authentic' is all about, it's just for me it usually results in the other person never speaking to me again.  So it's good that it seems to have been a positive in this situation.

Hope everyone else has been having a good/amazing/tolerable time, depending on circumstances.

PS - Why, after half a century of being on this planet and having tackled many, many things in my life do I still, for some reason, get up on Christmas morning and eat an entire Terry's Chocolate Orange??!  And then feel sick afterwards.  It's very silly.  Lol x


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #67 on: December 28, 2024, 11:23:32 AM »
I hear ya Tupp! Chances are you're feeling bad about the doing the right thing for you and son (under the uncertain circumstances) is because of an old experience of other people making you feel bad for standing up for yourself. An internalized response, in other words. But you know that already. Despite all the unpleasant feelings you've engaged your brilliant brain to choose the right thing for you - despite all the emotional sturm & drang around it. You've even parsed all those feelings well. And you have the right to feel what you feel... until some day, those kinds of things won't invoke that set of feelings anymore.

I also think you were really looking forward to seeing and having fun with all those people, so disappointment is natural. It is par for the course, that with that many people trying to get together and to make important enough to stand by their decision, this kind of backtracking, second guessing, and change of plans happen. It's like herding cats. I'm not fond of that kind of thing either. Hol does better, and has had bonfire or party plans just disappear into thin air because (fill in the blank) with everyone she invited. She just rolls with it. I can't quite do that.

I think the "keeper" from all this experience for you, would be all the stuff connected to that feeling that you don't matter. It might be a master key that will unlock an easier set of feelings for navigating  situations in the future.

Glad to hear your "friend" was able to respond positively to your boundary setting! Might be a bright spot; a seed that will germinate into a lovely friendship over time.
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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #68 on: December 28, 2024, 02:03:24 PM »
Oh, Tupp ......IME, the people who love deeply and honor others are treasures. Those qualities are good qualities.....less common than the careless sort, IME.

I was relieved to read the original holiday date stood...... neutral about your staying home.  Time without activities sounds healing right now.

I'm glad your assertiveness paid off.  Glad you're wrapping your head around the discomfort of people pleasing and not people pleasing.  There's wisdom and serenity in having that sorted, I hope.

We've been fighting for our lives (fig.) at the cottage......fleas.😭. I'll update that thread and look up Terry's Chocolate Orange!  Sounds yummy!

Hang in there.  Nap when overfull......digest.



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #69 on: December 29, 2024, 05:31:17 AM »
Thanks, both, things are settling now.  I had two days of being up in the clouds about it and then it takes two days to get back down to earth.  That's the bit I want to work on.  I don't want to isolate myself forever and say no to everything in case there's a trigger, but equally I haven't found a way to stop that nervous system response yet so the spiral when it kicks off and then the recovery time is still a problem.  But, practise, practise, practise.  It is, as you say, Skep, something that triggers so many other things from the past and then punishment for saying no/displeasing someone etc.  Such deep seated paths, hopefully each incident makes them a little less deep?  Herding cats is exactly the term; I personally think it's really rude to waste people's time over 'big deal' things.  Different if you're just popping in for a cuppa and you can do it at any time but for things that other people put time and effort in, it's not in.

Feeling calmer now; still feel tired and a bit out of sorts but slowly working through the 'looking after Tupp' list today and the unpleasantness has ebbed to being a bit annoyed if I think about it, which I'm trying not to do :)  Hopefully another old reaction cleared out a bit now.

Lighter, if you don't get Terry's Chocolate Orange over there I will cry for you :)  Lol, they're lush, orange shape, orange flavour and orange smell, divided into segments and wrapped in orange paper so you have to bang it on the table to split the segments and then scoff it :)  They are my favourite Christmas treat :) x


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #70 on: December 29, 2024, 06:09:58 AM »
We occasionally get chocolate oranges here. I love the dark chocolate ones!  Chocolate has distinct mental health benefits (IMO).  <grin>

Glad that issue is settling down. Time-wise, it seems about normal to me.
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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #71 on: December 30, 2024, 06:36:49 AM »
Oof, i was just groaning for you when all that necessary planning got heedless sticks in the spokes!
What jumped for me was how you asserted your needs anyway, even if just to yourself, and realized stress and uncertainty drained off positive anticipation and not going felt  disappointing but wise.

I've noticed in a couple groups I am in that one herd behavior is an unspoken assumption that this event is meant to be happy/fun, so therefore it must accommodate everyone throughout, so nobody takes the lead to set boundaries around expectations. Such as:

"Please save the date, since people have to do quite a lot of planning. Hope all can make it but if something changes and you can't, next time!"

For you, it's triggering, and I sure understand why. So you take note of your reflexive conclusions (I'm invisible, don't matter, nobody cares), realize where they come from (early hurts), return to being your own considerate friend more quickly than you used to, and decide what is best/sanest for you and son without letting those "global" conclusions stick.

Bravo! Disappointment and aggravation happened and you responded with resilience. Next step is to head off rumination (those familiar negative conclusions) when it starts. Your new year belongs to you.

I'm impressed. Been pulling my hair out over a mini situation of getting three people together for a simple local visit. One who can't remember what she emailed before, one with uncertain work timing, and me as "coordinator."

So thank you for sharing this epic because it puts mine into perspective and my new year is mine, too. Wish I could spend it with you and Son! One day, I'll learn to take my own advice.

Big fat squishy hugs,

I think you've managed it really well in this instance overall, really.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #72 on: December 30, 2024, 09:40:31 AM »
Skep, dark chocolate orange is the best!  Weirdly I only fancy them around Christmas, they used to be a big thing when I was a kid and it's just stuck like that for me.  It's not Christmas until the Terry's Chocolate Oranges come out!  Lol.

Thanks, Hopsie.  It will be you and son for New Year's Eve as I usually go to bed by 10pm lol.  I have made an effort to get myself out of the doldrums; we went to visit our local country park in terrible weather this morning and I've managed to get tickets for a pantomime tomorrow.  Cinema on New Year's Day, my son got some vouchers for Christmas so we'll go and spend those the day after and then we're almost back to normal routine after that so we've made it!  Woo hoo!  lol.

I have to confess the difficulty with making social arrangements baffles me, whether it's small numbers like the three you're trying to herd just now or larger numbers, but I just don't get why date - time - place - yes or no - is difficult.  Even when my son was younger/very ill and we really couldn't commit to much socially if we were invited somewhere I'd explain what was going on and say, "can I say no for now, and if on the day he's alright, come along anyway?"  Sometimes that was fine, other times it wasn't an option (table bookings/seating etc) so in that case I'd offer to do something different like coffee another time or meet for a walk or something.  So I really can't get my head around the problems getting together with people can cause.

Anyway.  I seem to spend all my time saying 'anyway'.  Lol.  I feel alright/better about it all, if I'd agreed to go I'd have been anxious the whole time about plans changing again or getting all the way there and finding half of them hadn't turned up.  I don't feel anxious about not going so that's better.  I'm so used to tying myself in knots to accommodate people it does feel wrong not to.  But i will keep on keeping on.

Happy New Year VESB lovelies! x


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #73 on: December 31, 2024, 06:21:11 AM »
I'm thinking it might be more sensible for me to adopt a 'let me get back to you on that' auto response to everything, to give myself some breathing space to look at logistics of things and see if I can fit x, y and z into whatever it is we're doing without it being a major disruption.  And then get back to people with a clear, "I can do this on that day at that place and time, will need to be a definite arrangement and I will need to know by x date if it's not going ahead".

It's very against who I am as a person to adopt that sort of call centre dialogue and approach to things, but I think I need to accept that very few other people have the sort of commitment to arrangements that I do and most others don't have to juggle as many things around as we do.  Plus it seems a lot think it's alright to go back on what they said, whereas for me that feels very wrong.  But I think I'm in the minority.  I'm so used to just dealing with situations and getting on with it that making a pause to actually give it some thought is a really novel idea.  It doesn't feel comfortable but I think I might need to adopt a new steely persona and be a bit more, "I'll let you know" rather than jumping in to sort things out.

I do find I'm genuinely baffled by other people's inability to perform basic admin and organisational tasks; I honestly don't know how people manage their lives when they change arrangements so quickly and say yes to things without committing to them.  But I'll have to accept that's how it is for some, that it doesn't work for me, and put my own line in the sand.  Stick to my own routine, figure out what's going to work and what won't and then act accordingly.  Decide what is a reasonable amount of effort on my part, what I should expect from the other person (reciprocity) and go from there.  I sound like one of those annoying self help people on YouTube.  Think it's worth trying, though.


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #74 on: January 01, 2025, 03:17:42 AM »
Just putting stuff down as I think of it :)

When deciding what to do, where to go, when to do it, ask myself, is this for my benefit?  Or does this benefit the other person more?  I have a problem knowing where the neutral ground is, of course there are some situations where you would put the other person first but I do it too much and too often.  Driving long distances is one example.  It is no easier for me to drive several hundred miles than it is for the other person to do it, in most cases.  Most people I know are capable of travelling many hundreds, if not thousands, of miles for a holiday.  So they aren't less capable than me, they're just less willing.  I need to get that into my head.

With the recent travel drama, I should have gone through it calmly and logically.   I am too much in the 'life is short, just do it' mode which, of course, can be true, but most of the time I'm just going to make myself tired and short of money.  So I should have looked at the situation more calmly.  Can I easily afford this? No.  Is this an easy journey for us to make?  No.  Will it leave us both exhausted and out of our usual routine?  Yes.  Are we likely to eat and drink more junk food than usual?  Yes.  Will I drink coffee to be able to do the long journeys?  Yes.  Will that aggravate my anxiety and menopause symptoms?  Yes.  Is it likely to aggravate my arthritis?  Yes.  Is the planning and organising a lot of extra work?  Yes.  Is this a good time of year for us to travel?  No.  And probably the final, most important question - is it guaranteed we're going to have an amazing time?  No!!  Why on earth did I agree to it in the first place?  For heaven's sake.  How stupid is that.  That's before we even had to factor in dealing with the mad cat lady and the problems with sorting my son's meds out.  Tupp, you are a silly lady.  This is just daft.

Okay.  Going forward I think I need to behave almost like you would if you were going to do a huge financial thing, like a mortgage or a business investment.  Feels a bit over the top but I feel like I need to really get myself out of this recurring loop I'm in and only start saying yes to things that are really likely to be good for us, and aren't likely to have any negative effects.  I am now Tupp the business lady :)  Lol