Well, I too am still dealing with the aftermath of breaking up from my N ex-boyfriend. The situation is tricky in that I am expecting his baby in May and so I cannot completely cut contact with him as he has rights to see his own child. He is still going all out to make me go back to him, telling me I can't cope without him, telling me he can't possibly cope with seeing the baby. When I still don't respond he then turns round and starts to threaten me with how he will make my life hell etc etc.
I know he is not good for me, I know not one of my friends liked him, I know all the things that mean I should be skipping for joy that he is finally out of my life. Yet, still I have an urge to be with him, to be loved by him. From articles I have read, this is because N's appear like a dream come true when we first meet them. They say wonderful things, they make us feel special and adored. This is all to reel us in and keep us there. That dream is what we miss when the relationship is over. N's are very good at pushing our buttons. I'll bet he has said things like "No one has a relationship like ours" " What we have is special" "All our problems are because we love each other so much" "I have never loved anyone like I love you" etc etc. My ex still says it all now. It is only that he can follow it in the same breath with comments such as "If you keep rejecting me I will start to hate you more than you've ever been hated" or "You are nothing without me" that I know he means none of it. He thinks he does, he truly believes what he says.
This is why people on this board, and therapists etc advise NO contact whatsoever. It is because N's are highly manipulative and will keep playing with you for as long as you respond. It isn't your ex you want, it is the dream he represented. Like others have said, love isn't about unhappiness and feeling confused and all the other things that are coupled with the devotion given to us by an N. Just try and keep strong to yourself and you will get over this. A therapist will help you deal with the fact that you would prefer this unhealthy relationship to being on your own. (Something I still fight every day by the way) Good luck and keep us posted.