Hi guest,
I appreciate your "resolution". It is a great reminder that the way we treat others is "POWERFUL".
It also brings up an ocean of emotions. I just have to commnet on this before this year ends - next year I vow to be even happier than I have managed to become this year!
My Nparents proclaim to be "holy". They think of themselves as the shear essence of religion, following the bible, in god's good graces, and only they are holy enough for heaven.
As I read the scripture you quoted, I realize where all my questions have stemmed from. I remember learning this scripture many, many years ago. I was taught it through many lessons in church, many messages, had to memorize it. I took it to heart and I have been a loving friend and person all my life, but not by example as I learned love from my family.
I want to take just a few minutes (for myself, if I may) to disect this scripture and finally realize my confusion.
"Though I speak with the tongues of mens and angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. Nparents proclaimed to speak god's words and know what god meant for me. They punished me with words from god. I was never loved...
and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains but have not love, I am nothing. Nparents proclaimed to know everything about me and I knew nothing, they decided I was a stupid failure, a whore, a nothing, an ugly duckling from birth. They claimed their faith in god would change me into a decent human being worthy of living. But if their faith did not change me, they would take my life from me so I could no longer embarrass them. I was not loved...
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Nparents said everyone else on earth, rich, poor, loved, unloved, deserved more than I could ever deserve. Nparents gave away my stuff so I would not become vain. Nparents now say I should give my money to my sister because she married a pastor and is doing god's work and I don't deserve my hard earned money. I am not loved...
Love suffers long AND is kind; I've never known a kind moment in Nparents life towards me
Love does not envy; Nmom is extremely jealous of my life and my sister's life
Love does not parade itself
is not puffed up; don't want to go there...
does not behave rudely;
does not seek its own
is not provoked
thinks no evil
does not rejoice in iniquity,
but rejoices in truth Nparents provoked me just for kicks so they could hit me
Nparents were demeaning to me in public and private just for kicks, it made them laugh
Nparents are the essence of evil
Nparents are liars to justify their truth
bears all things
believes all things
hopes in all things
endures all things
Love never fails! "Corinthians 13:1 - 7
Nparents are disgusted that I am not a failure
Nparents blame me for all of there wrongdoings
I'm right - I was never loved...by my Nparents
I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but when you lived for as many years as I have, hearing your parents preach at you about how perfect they are and how you have ruined their life, but the reality is that you are a good person, a successful person with a loving family....this scripture just doesn't make any sense at all.
After all, we were taught from infancy that our parents love us unconditionally and only do what's loving and right for us, RIGHT!!!!!??????
I was confused about what love is - but I now know that what my Nparents claimed, was not love. What I have in my heart - is LOVE.
I'm grateful to have lived yet another year to have more opportunities to show love to others.
You never know who you might run in to that has really never felt love.
It's a year to spread love and feel loved.

My resolution - I resolve to not contact Nparents all year.

I resolve to not be intimidated into fearing my Nparents ever again.

I reslove to continue next year as I am finishing this year - choosing my way, making my decisions based on my choices, never taking Nparents feelings or voices in my head into consideration ever again!
thank you for starting this thread - it is empowering!