Your pondering didn't bore me so I'm going to add a bit of what I think, ok?
It is interesting to consider:
Acknowledging feelings, validating as it’s called. What does it mean?
For me, acknowledging feelings is probably my truest response, in reference to the title of this thread, and what that means to me is letting people know that their feelings are valid. I mean, after all, the whole N thing totally devalues our feelings, or attempts to eliminate them, confuse or distort them, which has to be a big part of, if not mainly, what makes us feel voiceless in the first place, right? It seems that way for me, anyway. So possibly what I need most is simply to be told that my feelings do first--exhist and second--have value and that alone might help to bring me away from the harm I've endured and possibly even help me to begin a journey of healing?
So ofcourse next I want to heal from those hurts. So what does that mean? What helps me to heal? What helps people heal?
If I think of a festering wound then I want to clean it with a soothing solution first thing. Wash away the yucky stuff. Then, leave the wound open to the air for a little while, give it a chance to just breathe, without any interference from irritating fabric. But that can't go on forever because people have to live and move about so I know I must, after awhile, protect the wound. It might be good to put an antibiotic substance on it and cover it gently with clean gauze and plan to check on it again soon. If I keep doing this, it will likely heal.
So are emotional wounds much different? Isn't that what we are all suffering from? Do we not need our wounds flushed out and exposed to breathe? Then covered with preventitive medicine and a clean dressing?
Checked on periodically until they close up and grow well?
This would feel good and help me to heal, I think.
For me acknowledgment is the sense that someone is trying to understand my experience
For me too. Also, that that person expresses that desire but it goes a bit further for me. It also means, to me, being told that whatever I feel because of my experience, is ok, is understandable, is acceptable because I am entitled to my feelings. They are valid and they are real for me and I have every right to feel whatever it is I feel.
The flushing part is just spewing those feelings out. It's clensing.
The antibiotic medicine is the hope that is spread over it all, the encouragement that others give me to let me know that my wound (s) will heal and things will get better. That I don't have to let them fester. Also, letting me know that I can come back here and have my wounds flushed as many times as I need to and that I will not be alone because there are others who are trying to understand and help me in that clensing.
The gauze is/are the new ideas that might be suggested, different perspectives I might consider, choices I might have not thought about, advice that comes from another person's heart in an effort to help me.
I don’t say: "it’s okay to behave like that" - unless I really believe that it is okay
Neither do I but I do say: "It's okay to feel".
It's how we act on what we feel that makes all the difference, isn't it?
Do we want to repeat what we've experienced from those who have caused our wounds or do we want to learn how not to do that?
I'm sure that is a silly question.
We’re ALL here I think because we want to connect with others
I agree with you and then some.
Even if we come here and shout or criticise or disrupt or question or say absolutist things…’s all experience and the more we learn, the better. I think.
Or maybe if we are doing those things, we might simply be flushing our own hurts and if the rest of us recognize this, and try to understand, we might all do better at connecting?
Talking about is almost always pointing a finger
And doesn't it just cause more hurt? Is that what we want here?
Just another guest, pondering with you.