This is just my own opinion, but a lot of my experience with my ex seems to be that he truly thinks he loves his son and does his best for him. Not only is he totally unaware of what everyone else would see as his bad treatment of his son, but he thinks he is a better father than average.
Another point is that a lot of what N's do is for recognition and status, and sometimes (maybe just personal experience here) purely to stop someone "getting one over on them". It could be that your ex is caught up in not letting you win and doesn't actually care what is best for your children. That seems to be the case with my ex a lot. All I think you can do is to carefully document what he actually does (as compared to what he says he does), and try and get an independent person to act as a voice for your children. In the UK there is a government body called Cafcass who provide court guardians for Children. The guardian's job is to represent the child in court and act only in the best interests of the child. I don't know where you are or if there is something similar for you, but that may help. Good luck with it all.