Thanks for the support. It honestly surprised me how much it helped me.
To the last guest who posted...I appreciate your support. My understanding of this PAS garbage is that it is an agenda of "father's rights initiatives" and has little or no substantive support from the phsychological community, but LOTS of support from lawyers and wealthy, insecure ass hole fathers...and thus the courts listen. There is a great site: where you can read a lot about this. It gets to you after a while though, because case after case, children are pawns in a game for swine.......... custody is given to abusers time and time again....PAS is just another little twist on taking freedom and voice away from the innocent.
As far as "liberal" offense taken. As a liberal, though, I could just as easily say it's a reflection of the conservative, male dominated, right wing agenda. But, really, I believe the truth is not on one side or the other.....there are things in this world that suck and this is one of them.
I remain steadfast in my ability to find my (and my kids') way out of this fog. I leave tomorrow (kids are with dad) for another very infrequent and brief vacation with my fiance, siblings and aging mother, who is deteriorating slowly in a nursing home (2000 miles away). It is always bittersweet, but this is my pain, and I WILL learn and grow stronger from this!
Good things will come my way....and lots are already here...this I know.
You'll see, I will post some amazing thing here one day that will change everything..........and it will give all of us hope!