Hi Mattiedread,
I think you have some interesting questions, but first I want to point out that saying "64% of N is due to genetics" is not at all the same as saying "2/3 of N offspring will be Ns." Instead, it is saying that for a given N individual, on average their N traits will be 64% "caused" by genetics and 36% "caused" by environment. Now, if you were to say that "if one parent is an N, then the offspring will have a 64% chance of being Ns," THAT would be the same as saying "2/3 of N offspring will be Ns," but that's not what was said.
Anyways, I think it's kind of silly to say something is "64% caused by genetics," because, as Dr. Grossman points out, genetic traits often require environmental "triggers" to express themselves. So if someone has the genetic trait but no trigger, they won't express the trait.... So how much is really "caused" by the trigger and how much by genetics? You might say it was 100% the trigger because the traits wouldn't have expressed themselves if it weren't for the trigger...
It seems to me that being raised by an N might create N children because my understanding is that N is created by extremely poor parenting, which leads to the extreme insecurity of Ns. On the other hand, being raised by an N also has the tendency to make one hypersensitive to others' feelings and dismissive of one's own, because that's one way to adapt to living with the N. And, that's sort of the "opposite" of being an N. (And it's how I turned out.)
It is also possible that someone is not an N, but has some of the outward appearance of being one because they have taken on some of the "beliefs" of the N, such as that "other people are not as "special" as us."
My Nmother's history included frequent verbal, physical and sexual abuse from relatives. It's pretty darn clear to me this abuse was a huge factor in her becoming an N.
I have two much younger brothers who I don't think are Ns but definitely exhibit some N traits. Since they are teenagers, however, it's hard to tell if their inconsiderateness is due to age or N.
Another possibility is that siblings who might appear to be N's in part because they "take the N's side" are still in massive denial about how they were parented, and must fight vigorously against anything which threatens their wall of denial. I sometimes wonder if my brothers fit into this category (though they had it much easier than I did).
Well, thanks for the topic. I'm interested in hearing what other people have to say about it.