Dear Uncle Buck:
You could have been writing about my own nieces and nephews. I come from a family of the "self absorbed". I remember confronting my nieces about their N behavior only to have them become very angry. I told my brother at the time that their behavior was an outgrowth of no boundaries being set. That their sense of entitlement was astounding. At the time my nieces and nephews were in their early 20's. I cut them a little slack because young adults are still finding their way in life etc. However, when their N behavior began to filter down into their lack of empathy for my disabled son, that is where I drew the line. I have distanced myself from them because once an N is exposed and their behaviour confronted, there is no forgiveness. I am sorry for your situation and I am sorry for your niece and also mine. Your niece is 36 and has to come to the realizåtion that it is HER behaviour, and HER problem. You can only do so much. Try to get a good therapist and get some separation from the situation. Welcome to this board and please keep posting. Patz