Author Topic: You  (Read 5438 times)

Uncle Buck

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« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2005, 09:03:30 AM »
Thanks so much for your input sleepyhead and for those words I never hear from the niece "my sympathy" Thank you.


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« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2005, 09:22:44 AM »
Dear Uncle Buck:

You could have been writing about my own nieces and nephews.  I come from a family of the "self absorbed".  I remember confronting my nieces  about their N behavior only to have them become very angry.  I told my brother at the time that their behavior was an outgrowth of no boundaries being set.  That their sense of entitlement was astounding.  At the time my nieces and nephews were in their early 20's.  I cut them a little slack because young adults are still finding their way in life etc.  However, when their N behavior began to filter down into their lack of empathy for my disabled son, that is where I drew the line.  I have distanced myself from them because once an N is exposed and their behaviour confronted, there is no forgiveness.  I am sorry for your situation and I am sorry for your niece and also mine.  Your niece is 36 and has to come to the realizåtion that it is HER behaviour, and HER problem.  You can only do so much.  Try to get a good therapist and get some separation from the situation.  Welcome to this board and please keep posting.  Patz


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« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2005, 09:25:32 AM »
Knowing she can never truely love me and will pick apart everything that has any meaning to me at all makes me just want to give up on her and count one more loss.

those words I never hear from the niece "my sympathy"

I think there is a boundary issue here. She's 35 Uncle Buck, and can do what she wants.
She's also just your niece, not your wife or significant other.
If my brother had such an interest in my 28 year old daughter, I'd be very worried regardless of the family history.
I'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear.

Uncle Buck

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« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2005, 10:30:23 AM »
Katz thank you for your earnest reply I will take your comments under advisment...but the fact dose still remain that the N is there...and it dose matter to me! It would matter to me if it were my nephew or a friend. To have someone you are supposed to trust and have a level of closeness to rip you up, degrade your ideas and thoughts and to take you apart piece by piece is very sad...for both of us but more so to her. I hope you understand the spirt in which I write this. I do not want anything from her. I want her to be able to live a happy life and pertisapate without disaster after disaster with the rest of the family weather that includes me or not really don't matter. Again thank you for your input.

Uncle Buck


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« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2005, 04:00:18 AM »
Hi Uncle Buck,
rip you up, degrade your ideas and thoughts and to take you apart piece by piece is very sad

I understand that you're very hurt by whatever happened between you and her and you're worried for her, but that doesn't mean that it's up to you to 'fix' her problem.
Wanting her to
live a happy life and pertisapate without disaster after disaster with the rest of the family
shows you care but this is not in your control.
I wonder whether you've been unfairly designated the peacemaker/fixer of your family's problems?

Uncle Buck

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« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2005, 11:18:53 AM »
Hi Kaz
I don't know I guess I am sometimes overly emotinal and to mend problems with the family. When my sister was drinking I often felt resentment towards her for making things diffcult for evryone and herself. I know I have not the right nor should I have a need to make all things well for everyone in my family. I just want harmony....I guess it is selfishness on my part as well as worry for them. As I said earlier I have my own issues to deal with as well and I guess I had better start paying more attention to those and less to the problems of others. I guess it is after all up to them to attend to their own needs emotinally. This is a hard thing for me to learn and deal with. I knew nothing about N prior to stumbiling across it one night last week on the internet...I was just kind of shocked but it's explantions and definitions filled in a lot of blanks over the years that I never understood. Thanks to all for your assistance. I shall go on from here now calmer and wiser because of all of you.

Uncle Buck


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« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2005, 07:14:22 PM »
Good Luck to you Uncle Buck. Sounds like you're on the right track.  
Best Wishes,