I can relate to your situation, I really can. My family when I became pregnant, they congratulated me ok., but my father informed me it had better be a boy. When I brought my son home, my middle brother came over to see but he asked "where is the boy". As I brought up my child, to answer one of your questions (What do I do when they come over to see us.?) Well, narcs are so caught up in their on world you won't have to worry about any "visits", calls, birthday gifts, celebrations of milestone etc. However, they may be critical on how you are rearing him, feeding him, have competition with their own children. I hate to be a wet blanket but your expectations should be zero and sadly be happy about it. Less narc exposure for your child. It is very sad and it makes me cry and angry at the same time why they cannot be joyous at this most important time in your life.
My mother in law when I told her I was pregnent, "well how is this going to impact me financially". She thought she was coming to live with us and I was going to take care of her. (she was able to work and take care of herself). When I objected to her smoking in the house with the baby, she said "how do you know that the smoke is going into his room at all?". You begin to get the picture. My mother did not come when my child was born. I think I got a couple of calls from my relatives, but not from my father, my brothers. My mother did call as I remember. Christmas, I tried going home I think for a about 3 Christmas'. After that I never went back for holidays at all. Just to much narc exposure. Patz