Author Topic: Nice things about us  (Read 2203 times)


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Nice things about us
« on: March 16, 2005, 04:39:56 AM »
My t has suggested that I get a notebook and collect nice things that people say about the person that used to be me.  Very difficult thing to do.  Please don't start saying them here, because that will frighten me away  :oops:  :oops:  However, we can perhaps do it for ourselves, forgetting the N lies for a while.

What would your best friend say is your best feature(s)?

Mine would (I think) say I am very generous, kind and wicked (irreverant   :twisted: ).  

(Needless to say, I haven't got the book yet.   :lol:  )


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Nice things about us
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2005, 06:39:47 AM »
Great idea! Although very, very difficult. Oh, well, here goes.
My friends would say that I am:
caring, loyal and funny :oops:
I haven't shown much of my funny side here, but hopefully it will emerge someday soon! :D
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2005, 08:36:03 AM »
Good idea October--we need more chances to look at the positive things.

My friends would say that I'm kind, generous and caring and like Sleepyhead, funny, but you wouldn't know it here.

I'm also always told that I am a very strong woman.  I am realizing now that is more of a necessary facade to protect myself and I'm really pretty fagile down deep.



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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2005, 09:03:04 AM »
Great idea October!

Please don't start saying them here, because that will frighten me away
Oooo tempting!  :D Shall I? No.  :D Shall I? No... October is…no! I won’t!  :D mmmfffugggglemmmf there I said it all with my hand over my mouth. 8)  And it was all positive.  8)

October, Sleepyhead and Brigid: you are all funny/humorous and it does come through on the board.  :D

Brigid, yeah, mother tells me how ‘strong’ I am. Maybe it’s a tactic – “you’re strong (I am weak) therefore you can take all this sh*t (I can’t, so don’t blame me)”. Grrrrr. Very P/A.

Me: kind, animal-lover, consistent (these days), loves ideas, interested in how and why things are as they are, tenacious, honest, loyal, talk too much, make lists that are too long…

Honesty. She told me I was “too honest”. I still have trouble with that. I think I'm very tactless, because my sun-sign says I am. Astrology was all I had to go on as a teen and I thought I had to be like my sun-sign. It became my identity! Dangerous stuff.
forgetting the N lies for a while.
I think I just flunked that :oops:  :roll:


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« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2005, 09:13:42 AM »
One thing I keep seeing over and over on this site is the common love of animals.  Is that because we reached out to them and their unconditional love because we were not getting it from the humans who should have been providing it?  Just a thought.

I have surrounded myself with pets since having a home of my own ( almost 35 years).  I am sooooo sensitive about animals that I cannot hear or read any stories of abuse or neglect and will not go to movies about animals.  I watched "Black Beauty" one time with my kids and sobbed through the entire movie.  I would have stopped watching part way through, but had to get to the end where Beauty actually ends up with a good life.  

Didn't mean to get off topic, but I just needed to interject that.



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« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2005, 09:46:40 AM »
Quote from: Portia

Brigid, yeah, mother tells me how ‘strong’ I am. Maybe it’s a tactic – “you’re strong (I am weak) therefore you can take all this sh*t (I can’t, so don’t blame me)”. Grrrrr. Very P/A.

Ever been told you 'think too much'?  I have, lots of times.  I have learned to take it as a compliment.   :lol:

That 'strong' one is a real problem.  It actually says, you can cope so I don't have to do anything at all.  It is not a compliment at all, imo.


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« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2005, 09:48:30 AM »
Quote from: Brigid

Didn't mean to get off topic, but I just needed to interject that.


Nothing off topic about your post, Brigid.  

You are a very loving person, and you care a lot about animals, and you shared with your kids how to have empathy for others.  Spot on, imo.


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« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2005, 09:49:17 AM »
Brigid: the animal thing IS on topic, I think.  I have Animal Control/Rescue and the Humane Society on my cell phone speed dial.  I am the person who stops for animals who are wandering (dangerous in our city) and keeps them until I track down the owners.  My kids both do the same (drives their N dad nuts).  I was told that animals have the same "energy vibrational level" as the earth...and touching them "grounds" us.  All I know is I just wouldn't live without them. They teach ME to love.

So that IS a good thing about me/us (to test that theory, a 2 inch spider just walked across my desk and I caught him in a cup and put him outside).
Some other things are:
I help people find happiness
I am careful with other people's hearts


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« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2005, 09:55:01 AM »
Just started an animal thread for any overflow from here  :D  :D
Wow I am getting shameless, posting commercials for other threads now  :shock:  :shock:


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« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2005, 10:08:11 AM »
Ever been told you 'think too much'? I have, lots of times. I have learned to take it as a compliment.
Many times...and I still allow it to annoy me, :?  but I'll learn to take it as a compliment and say 'thank you' in future :D Thank you too!

Mum, you're great.
posting commercials for other threads now
haha :D  I like it!


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« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2005, 10:16:29 AM »
Your t sure came up with a difficult challenge. It's embarrassing to say good things about myself. I think my friends would say I was a know-it-all and very opinionated. And some say I'm sweet, believe it or not.

My H says I am very smart and quick on the uptake. He also likes that I have boundaries and am very reliable. And funny.

I'm kind to children and old people.

What I like about myself is intelligence, humor, appreciation of many things so I'm rarely bored or lonely. I always have my thoughts to entertain me.
