Author Topic: Distorted Perception  (Read 2469 times)


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Distorted Perception
« on: March 24, 2005, 08:09:21 PM »
Hello again everyone.  Previously, I posted a topic on self-acceptance, and I feel I didn't convey my point very well.  So I'll try again this time.  I hope you don't mind, but this post will be a long one.  It may also be a little bit windy.  I apologize.

For as long as I can remember, I struggle with self-perception.  This struggle I have has affected every aspect of my life.  I feel it has robbed me of the many wonderful things life has to offer( the ability to develop meaningful relationships, participating in fulfilling social events, etc), and it has left me feeling weak and empty.  As if it has depleted my bank account of an enriching life.  I think I can identify the culprit, but don't know thow to get rid of it.  The surge of self-doubt, I think comes about b/c I have little self-belief.  And this lack of believing in myself leaves me feeling needy of ppl's approval for validation, and leaves me psychologically weak.  I think this state of mind stems from my unconscious thinking that I'm not good enough, or that I'm doing something wrong.   I conclude that my struggle lies within my sense of being either right or wrong.  When I feel I'm right with my thoughts, then I feel very resolute and confident.  Or if I have a sure sense that someone was treating me wrongly, then I'm not shy to express myself.  My problem is, I usually don't immediately think I'm right for who what I think, usually I think there's somthing wrong with me and I somehow allow others to undermine me b/c I first undermine myself by not standing up for myself.  That's when I feel like I've lost in the intereaction, which is most of the time.  This idea of being right or wrong is not about being closed-minded to others, but it's about me not knowing how to validate myself as to have self-respect, and feeling vakldated even if I don't get validation from others.

I want to convey my thought in a different angle, if you don't mind reading further.  I often suffer and struggle with inferiority complex and a deep sense that I'm doing something wrong or that there's something inherently inferior about me.  That others are better than me.  I especially feel like a shriveled up, inconfident coward when I'm dealing with someone whom I perceive as very confident and sure of themselves.  I just melt under such circumstances.  And I hate myself for being this way.  I get so mad at myself for stooping this low and allowing others to do the same to me.  I realize that if I don't respect myself, then inevitably, others will do the same exact thing to me.  If I don't believe in myself, then others won't either.  For the way others feel about me is a mere reflection of how I feel about myself.  I get so mad and frustrated for having this problem.  And I feel I'm to blame for how others treat me.  For being so afraid that others will be upset with me.  When I think less of myself, then it's a sure gaurantee others will think less of me, too.  I get so disappointed in myself for letting it happen.

When I have a preconceived notion that the other person is superior to me in confidence, social skills, articulation, ideas, etc, I immediately see myself as inferior to that person, and I cowar in my thoughts of myself and my communication level with that person.  I somehow, unconsciously, think that the person is already better than me in ideas and communication, so that person thinks of me as unworthy of their time and recognition.  I think to myself that I'm viewed as less in that person's eyes...that I'm no match for them.  Therefore, I feel defeated and timid...I feel inferior in ideas and articulation.  Consequently, i hesitate to contribute anything in the interaction.  Now, I realize my reasoning is probably not realistic, but this is the image I have of the situation.  My sense of self starts to grow weak, and I become unsure of myself and my ideas.  I start to lose focus of the big picture of the ppl around me and who I am.  All b/c I think they are better and I'm worse.  That they are the winner and I'm the loser.

Maybe, the reason why I have alway back down and feel weak and timid in front of very self-assured and assertive ppl is b/c I size up ppl all the time.  When I see them as bigger and stronger than me (not in stature), than I inadvertantly feel weak and incompetent compare to them.  Yeah, I do get scared and intimidated of things I perceive as bigger and stronger than me b/c I feelI cannot win in a battle with them.  So I might as well back down from the start.  I believe subconsicusly this my  thought process.  I feel this is why I feel anxiety stricken when I'm around ppl I perceive as better than me.  Do I make any sense or is my reasoning wacked????  I also struggle with feeling ashamed of myself and often stricken with guilt.  But this is better left for another day.

If you've gotten this far in my letter, I want to thank you so much for reading!!!  I'm actually a normal functioning person.  I just  happen to see some things in a distorted light, like myself, ppl, and the world in which I live  :cry: What am I not seeing clearly?  What am I not getting about human nature which cause me to see myself and ppl in such a distorted way?  I wish I can know how to see myself and the world in which I live in a more realistic, accurate, and clearer way.  I think there's a lot of fog in my vision, but don't know how to clear it up.   :( Can anyone plz help?


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Distorted Perception
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2005, 11:16:15 PM »
(Lilac is my favorite flower, by the way.  :D )

I understand what you are going through.  All of those thoughts, reactions, and feelings seem very familiar to me.  I've been dealing with the same thing recently.  Check out the "Long, Long Story" thread for my experience, but do yourself a favor and start on page 20 or so. :) To sum up for me:  I have had a bunch of negative, untrue thoughts bouncing around my head all my life and only realized it recently. :( Between a couple of core transformation techniques in counseling and realizing what's going on by talking about it in therapy, I think I have interrupted that tape recording in my head for the first time in my life.  I truly see that I am OK.  Room to grow for sure, but who and what *I* am is fine.  No flaws, cracks or hidden poisons.

I don't remember you mentioning on the other thread, but do you have a therapist?  If not, you might want to consider finding a good one to help you with this.  You do NOT need to go through another day with this hanging over your head.  You seem like a really nice person.  I haven't read anything from you yet that doesn't make total sense to me.  Keep posting.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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Distorted Perception
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2005, 11:22:23 PM »
Hi LL,
At least I assume this is LL again.
I'm not sure how much help I can be, but I can tell you this; your post was not too long and it was very endearing.
Have you had a lot of negative reaction to your personality that has caused this behavior? Did your childhood contribute to it?
Do you have friends who can help you in social situations to take some baby steps toward building your confidence?
I have no experience with therapy so someone else can help you there but, if you often feel ashamed or stricken with guilt it would be hard to address your problems of self perception without addressing those issues too, I would think.
What do you think is at the root of all this negative self perception?

I can tell you this, no one here will intimidate you or think they are better than you.
You sound like a sweet and lovely lady and I hope some other sweet and lovely lady or gentleman(well maybe not sweet and lovely) who is a lot wiser than me can give you some help.
My only advice is to not worry about the length of your post and, if you feel comfortable doing it, tell us more about what you think has made you develop these thought processes.



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Re: Distorted Perception
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2005, 12:15:30 PM »

You're so articulate and have great insight into the issues that are challenging you. You're way ahead of the game already. A good therapist could really help you brush away the cobwebs of distorted thinking. Here are some thoughts that helped me get better when I was a lot more fragile and apprehensive about myself...

- I won't compare my inside to someone else's outside.

- Most people aren't thinking about me for more than 2 minutes.

- Comparing myself to others only drags me down.

- If I'm acting like a doormat or intimidated by people, my child-parts are probably in charge. I need to put my adult-parts in charge.

- People are probably not criticizing me; as they aren't even thinking about me. I'm mainly criticizing myself which is keeping me down.

- If I hear an old tape of self-denigration I say to myself, 'Oh it's the old tape again' and shut it off.

- I don't permit myself to call myself idiot, stupid, etc. That's all off-limits now.

- Other people are as scared and confused as I am.

- I know myself better than others know me. They aren't the authorities about me. I am.

- I will not be f*@&d around. No one is allowed to trample over my boundaries.

These books really helped me in the past (all by Sanaya Roman):

Personal Power Through Awareness
Spiritual Growth
Living With Joy

They are "new agey" but if you can disregard that, there is pragmatic information in there about how humans operate.



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Distorted Perception
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2005, 02:53:06 PM »
Bunny, those are very helpful statements to remind myself when self-defeating thoughts want to creep up on me.  As someone(don't remember who) had said in another thread, we are not prisoners of our own thoughts.  I think the truth behind that statement is very liberating.  I hope to get to know you guys and gals better.  

Happer Easter, Everyone!  I think it's a great time to celebrate life.  It's funny how life is what we make of it.  It can be fabulous or it can be lousy.  The resources are available for us to claim for our own use.  Thank God for that!


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Distorted Perception
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2005, 10:34:21 PM »
Alot of victims of extremely abusive N parents feel exactly this way.  I did most of my life.  I and my siblings were never nurtured, only screamed at and made to feel worthless.  It takes along time to gain the confidence to feel anything, let alone feel good about yourself. Especially hard when it began at birth, such as in my case.  I suffered many things as a result, not just low self esteem and confiedence.  Alot of adictions, as you know, stem from these inadequet feelings.  I didn't have the confidence to have an intimate relationship until I began therapy at age 39.  Now I am a different person - myself!  You're in there somewhere.  Good luck with this.  therapy is the key.