Author Topic: N's and driving  (Read 1410 times)


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N's and driving
« on: April 07, 2005, 10:39:15 AM »
Has anyone else noticed that the N in your life has a poor driving record?

My X N averages 3-4 accidents (that I know of) a year and this has been the case ever since I have known him.  He is always the one at fault too.

X N is always raging about something so I shouldn't be surprised that he is a road rager as well.  Hey, at least he is consistent.



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N's and driving
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2005, 11:14:49 AM »
So interesting, Mia.  I found out that my ex and his wife has been bringing my kids to happy hour with them (it's a restaurant also) and then driving them home after a few drinks.
I called him on it, asked him to stop (my kids have a rule never to get in a car with someone who has had any alcohol) because of the obvious danger  and confusion the kids have with the "rule" (doesn't apply to dad?).
HE has not responded to that but has deluged me and the kids with a million other negative emails, expectations, and rage slinging, essentially.
Textbook N reaction I suppose.
He does get in accidents, not sure how many, but it is sure to be the other persons' fault (in his mind) although it usually isn't in reality!


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« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2005, 02:50:44 PM »
My exN was an over-the-top aggressive driver who would put his passengers in danger - cutting in front of people, trying to push others off the road, etc.

He drove a Porsche and a Corvette in amateur races so that he could justify his lane-hopping street driving because, after all, he was a "professional driver" and everyone else was a moron.


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N's and driving
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2005, 11:13:42 PM »
My Nmother used her control behind the wheel to rage at me and I have seen others do this as well;  I don't know if they were N's but why pick in a car?  It appears to me that there is some link with cars and control.  

Also, my mother has always had a record of getting lost, taking wrong turns off freeways, sometimes ending up in the wrong state altogether.  

It is an interesting topic.
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