Since Mudpuppy responded on this thread regarding your beautiful poem, I thought I would too. Such a gift you have. Thank you for sharing it with us.
To the rest of y'all,
As I read the many sad stories on this site of abuse, neglect, hurt, pain, so much pain that life is no longer worth living, the destruction of families, the destroying of children, I go back to my original point with starting this thread. I can only assume that people who go around looking for these ridiculous reasons to be offended (and I am in no way saying that there are not many very offensive things going on in the world) have not suffered a great loss, or hurt in their life. Because if they had, they would realize how unimportant those ridiculous offenses are. There is so much more to concern yourself with than making sure to use the correct term (of the day) for a disability, or a particular race or creed, or if a Nativity scene is displayed or "In God we Trust" is displayed in a public domain, or whether you child is subjected to, but not forced to participate in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance; and on and on it goes. I am in no way saying that anyone has the right to be intentionally disrespectful to another's beliefs, but I don't think we have a right to go around looking for ways to be offended by differing opinions.
"Not Sweating the Small Stuff" has taken on a whole new meaning for me since my husband left me 18 months ago, and I subsequently found out all the things about him and our marriage that I didn't know were going on. I guess that is one of the many wonderful things that has come out of this tragedy.