Hiya Longtire,
Ofcourse you're not whiney!!! Not imo. You work hard for years and years, the other person doesn't.......and spends all and above what you've worked for.......and now, when... as you say....you would be saving for retirement....you're FORCED to repay debt, that should never have been accumulated in the first place!!!
Who wouldn't be ticked to the brink!!!
I want to cut up her credit cards myself, and I don't even know the woman!!
Marriage is supposed to be team work.......not a shopping spree for one person!
Giving is supposed to be shared......not one sided!
Money is supposed to be for everyone.......not just your spouse!!!
Too bad she is so selfish/greedy/hungry that she can only see dollar signs!! Sorry you've had to put up with it for so long.
Venting for you, I guess, Longtire. Or was that for me??? I don't even care!!

It's not fair that the Nish ..can cause every type of suffering imaginable (and profit by it....not just by sucking emotions but by eating up assets/financial stability/future possible comforts that everyone in the family might have enjoyed!!!!)
It's not fair!! It's not fair! It's not fair!!! (I always related to Herman Munster for those words!!!

) and his jumping up and down, while saying it!! (heehee).
So ......the thing is......Longtire....you may end up being so much better off financially, once you're away from her, you won't believe it.
Half the debt will be hers (leaving you only half of what you might otherwise have been responsible).
Something to look forward to.
One thing I did.......don't know if this is legal, or of use where you are....I wrote letters to all creditors of my X stating:
-the marriage was dissolving and I would no longer be responsible for any purchases or debt accumulated from this date forward.
-that I wanted my name removed from any documentation/current records please, and a note made that I am no longer using or responsible for these accounts.
-that I was destroying my card immediately and would no longer be using it (included a piece of it, with the letters).
-that any future purchases/debt is the sole responsibility of my X.
Sent 'em all by registered mail and kept copies/proof of registration.
I am trying acknowledge my feelings and speak them out instead of holding this crap in.
Keep doing that Longtire. That way the cess pool will become a warm spring!!
He claims to want this over with so he better bite the bullet, give me what is fair and I will happily walk away.
Stick with this attitude. Good for you!! SOMEONE has to be responsible for caring for the children. You're it!!

(which I'm sure you are so glad).
I guess that's something to be glad about....that he isn't trying to take them from you. He just wants to take their financial welfare away. Nice guy!!! NOT!!!
Hope things work out for you and the kids, Brigid!! Hope he gets caught in his own web!!!