All the tung-len practice in the world will not change someone or something if the practitioner is not clear in the first place. Do you feel clear in taking on his pain? Pema Chodron has said, the most compassionate thing you can do for everyone is to set boundaries. Where are yours? I applaud you for your kindness, but you acknowledge your BF is a mess.
Physical affection is very important to me. I would say a lack of comfort with it would be a boundary violation for me.....It's not like unwanted physical attention, which is easy to see as a boundary violation, but LACK is a violation for me. I think you need to decide what your needs are. Let your BF decide for himself to deal with his own pain, heal and then come to you on your terms. Your terms are not BAD. They are what they are.
What do YOU want from the relationship, not knowing what that is, is part of the problem.
The compassionate thing to do is to take care of yourself and your needs, it is not unkind of you at all.
If you feel with your practice, you can take all this on, I am impressed.
But I feel for you with your feeling of lack.
Bless you.